Coercer : A Python Script To Automatically Coerce A Windows Server To Authenticate On An Arbitrary Machine

Coercer is a python script to automatically coerce a Windows server to authenticate on an arbitrary machine through 9 methods. Features  Automatically detects open SMB pipes on the remote machine.  Calls one by one all the vulnerable RPC functions to coerce the server to authenticate on an arbitrary machine.  Analyze mode with –analyze, which only lists …

ApacheTomcatScanner : A Python Script To Scan For Apache Tomcat Server Vulnerabilities

ApacheTomcatScanner is a python script to scan for Apache Tomcat server vulnerabilities. Features  Multithreaded workers to search for Apache tomcat servers.  Multiple target source possible:  Retrieving list of computers from a Windows domain through an LDAP query to use them as a list of targets.  Reading targets line by line from a file.  Reading individual …

BirDuster : A Multi Threaded Python Script Designed To Brute Force Directories

BirDuster is a Python based knockoff of the original DirBuster. BirDuster is a multi threaded Python application designed to brute force directories and files names on web/application servers. Often is the case now of what looks like a web server in a state of default installation is actually not, and has pages and applications hidden within. Installation …

Dome : Fast And Reliable Python Script That Makes Active And/Or Passive Scan To Obtain Subdomains

Dome is a fast and reliable python script that makes active and/or passive scan to obtain subdomains and search for open ports. This tool is recommended for bug bounty hunters and pentester in their reconnaissance phase. the more surface area exposed the faster a rock with break down If you want to use more OSINT …

Ipsourcebypass : This Python Script Can Be Used To Bypass IP Source Restrictions Using HTTP Headers

Ipsourcebypass is a Python script that can be used to bypass IP source restrictions using HTTP headers. Features  17 HTTP headers.  Multithreading.  JSON export with –json outputfile.json.  Auto-detecting most successful bypasses. Usage $ ./ -h[~] IP source bypass using HTTP headers, v1.2usage: [-h] [-v] -i IP [-t THREADS] [-x PROXY] [-k] [-L] [-j JSONFILE] [-C] …

FinalRecon : The Last Web Recon Tool You’ll Need

FinalRecon is a fast and simple python script for web reconnaissance. It follows a modular structure so in future new modules can be added with ease. Featured Python For OSINT Hakin9 April 2020 NullByte Hakin9 Features FinalRecon provides detailed information such as : Header Information Whois SSL Certificate Information Crawler html …

Sandcastle : A Python Script For AWS S3 Bucket Enumeration

Inspired by a conversation with Instacart’s @nickelser on HackerOne, I’ve optimized and published Sandcastle – a Python script for AWS S3 bucket enumeration, formerly known as bucketCrawler. The script takes a target’s name as the stem argument (e.g. shopify) and iterates through a file of bucket name permutations, such as the ones below: -training -bucket …

How To Hack Android Device using Python Scripts ?

Ever think about how awful folks hack Android gadgets? Or on the other hand how they just figure out how to take the information from remote areas? All things considered, there are numerous approaches to get in on any android or iOS smartphones. Be that as it may, the simplest and best path is to …

Instagram-Py – Python Script To Brute Force Attack

Instagram-Py is a straightforward python script to perform brute force attack against Instagram , this script can sidestep login restricting on wrong passwords , so fundamentally it can test boundless number of passwords. Instagram-Py is demonstrated and can test more than 6M passwords on a solitary instagram account with less resource as possible. This script …