S3 Bucket

BucketLoot – An Automated S3 Bucket Inspector

Thousands of S3 buckets are left open on the internet, which makes them an easy target for bad people who…

7 months ago

Sandcastle : A Python Script For AWS S3 Bucket Enumeration

Inspired by a conversation with Instacart's @nickelser on HackerOne, I've optimized and published Sandcastle – a Python script for AWS…

4 years ago

AWSGen.py : AWS S3 Bucket Name Generator (beta v.)

AWSGen.py is a simple tool for generates permutations, alterations and mutations of AWS S3 Buckets Names Also Read - Betwixt :…

4 years ago

S3enum : Fast Amazon S3 Bucket Enumeration Tool For Pentesters

S3enum is a tool to enumerate a target's Amazon S3 buckets. It is fast and leverages DNS instead of HTTP,…

4 years ago