DorXNG – Advanced OSINT via Meta-Search & Tor

DorXNG is a modern solution for harvesting OSINT data using advanced search engine operators through multiple upstream search providers. On the backend, it leverages a purpose-built containerized image of SearXNG, a self-hosted, hackable, privacy-focused meta-search engine. Our SearXNG implementation routes all search queries over the Tor network while refreshing circuits every ten seconds with Tor’s MaxCircuitDirtiness configuration directive. Researchers have also disabled …

TorghostNG : Make All Your Internet Traffic Anonymized With Tor Network

TorghostNG will make all your internet traffic anonymized with Tor network. Rewritten from TorGhost with Python 3. Rewritten from TorGhost with Python 3. TorghostNG was tested on: Kali Linux Manjaro What’s New? Fixed update_commands and others in Changed a few things in Changed a few things in Now you can change Tor …

TOR Router : A Tool That Allow You To Make TOR Your Default Gateway

Tor Router allow you to use TOR as a transparent proxy and send all your traffic under TOR INCLUDING DNS REQUESTS, the only that you need is: a system using systemd (if you want to use the service) and tor. It doesn’t touch system files as the rest of tools for routing your traffic does and …

Facebash : Facebook Brute Forcer In Shellscript Using TOR

Facebash is a tool for facebook Brute Forcer in shellscript using TOR. Warning : Facebook blocks account for 1 hour after 20 wrong passwords, so this script can perform only 20 pass/h. Features Save/Resume sessions Anonymous attack through TOR Default Password List (+39k) Also Read – H2Buster : A Threaded, Recursive, Web Directory Brute-Force Scanner …

Onion nmap To Scan Hidden Onion Services

Utilize nmap to scan hidden “onion” benefits on the Tor network. Insignificant picture in view of elevated, utilizing proxychains to wrap nmap. Tor and dnsmasq are keep running as daemons by means of s6, and proxychains wraps nmap to utilize the Tor SOCKS intermediary on port 9050. Tor is likewise designed through DNSPort to secretly …

Tallow – Transparent Tor for Windows

Tallow is a small program that redirects all outbound traffic from a Windows machine via the Tor anonymity network. Any traffic that cannot be handled by Tor, e.g. UDP, is blocked. It also intercepts and handles DNS requests preventing potential leaks. Tallow has several applications, including: “Tor-ifying” applications there were never designed to use Tor …

Nipe- Script To Make Tor Network Your Default Gateway

Nipe is a script to make Tor Network your default gateway. Nipe is a script for Linux that adjusts iptables to course all activity over Tor. The issue is that Tor just backings TCP and not UDP. So the majority of your UDP applications like “dns queries” are going to fail. The script likewise has …