Vortex : VPN Overall Reconnaissance, Testing, Enumeration And exploitation Toolkit

Vortex is a VPN Overall Reconnaissance, Testing, Enumeration and Exploitation Toolkit Overview A very simple Python framework, inspired by SprayingToolkit, that tries to automate most of the process required to detect, enumerate and attack common O365 and VPN endpoints (like Cisco, Citrix, Fortinet, Pulse, etc…). Why I developed it Make the VPN spraying phase much quicker …

ProtOSINT : Script Helps To Investigate Protonmail Accounts & ProtonVPN IP Addresses

ProtOSINT is a Python script that helps you investigate ProtonMail accounts and ProtonVPN IP addresses. Description This tool can help you in your OSINT investigation on Proton service (for educational purposes only).ProtOSINT is separated in 3 sub-modules: [1] Test the validity of one protonmail account [2] Try to find if your target have a protonmail …

SShuttle: Where Transparent Proxy Meets VPN Meets SSH

SShuttle is a transparent proxy server that works as a poor man’s VPN. Forwards over ssh. Doesn’t require admin. Works with Linux and MacOS. Supports DNS tunneling. As far as I know, it is the only program that solves the following common case: Your client machine (or router) is Linux, FreeBSD, or MacOS. You have …

theZoo – A Repository Of LIVE Malwares For Your Own Joy & Pleasure

theZoo purpose is to allow the study of malware and enable people who are interested in malware analysis to have access to live malware, analyses the ways they operate, and maybe even enable advanced and savvy people to block specific malware within their own environment. We recommend running them in a VM which has no internet …

Autovpn – Connect to a VPN in a Country of your Choice

AutoVpn is a tool to automatically connect you to a random VPN in a country of your choice. It uses openvpn to connect you to a server obtained from VPN Gate. Compiling Autovpn First clone the repo and cd into the directory: $ git clone https://github.com/adtac/autovpn $ cd autovpn Then run this to generate the …