
Erlik 2 : Vulnerable Flask App

Erlik 2 is a vulnerable Flask Web App. It is a lab environment created for people who want to improve…

2 years ago

Erlik : Vulnerable Soap Service

Erlik is a vulnerable SOAP web service. It is a lab environment created for people who want to improve themselves…

3 years ago

TerraGoat : Vulnerable Terraform Infrastructure

TerraGoat is Bridgecrew's "Vulnerable by Design" Terraform repository. TerraGoat is a learning and training project that demonstrates how common configuration…

3 years ago

Log4J-Detector : Detects Log4J versions on your file-system within any application that are vulnerable to CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046

Log4J-Detector is a Scanner that detects vulnerable Log4J versions to help teams assess their exposure to CVE-2021-44228 (CRITICAL), CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105, and CVE-2021-44832. Can search for…

3 years ago

Allsafe : Intentionally Vulnerable Android Application

Allsafe is an intentionally vulnerable application that contains various vulnerabilities. Unlike other vulnerable Android apps, this one is less like…

4 years ago

Regexploit : Find Regular Expressions Which Are Vulnerable To ReDoS (Regular Expression Denial Of Service)

Regexploit a tool to Find regexes which are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). More info on the Doyensec…

4 years ago

Damn Vulnerable GraphQL Application

Damn Vulnerable GraphQL Application is an intentionally vulnerable implementation of Facebook's GraphQL technology, to learn and practice GraphQL Security. About…

4 years ago

Fawkes : Tool To Search For Targets Vulnerable To SQL Injection

Fawkes is a tool to search for targets vulnerable to SQL Injection. Performs the search using Google search engine. Options…

4 years ago

Parth : Heuristic Vulnerable Parameter Scanner

Some HTTP parameter names are more commonly associated with one functionality than the others. For example, the parameter ?url= usually…

5 years ago

OpenRelayMagic : Tool To Find SMTP Servers Vulnerable To Open Relay

OpenRelayMagic is a tool to test for vulnerable open relays on SMTP servers. Features Check single target/ domain listPort 587…

5 years ago