Cyber security

WolfPack – Scaling Red Team Redirectors

WolfPack combines the capabilities of Terraform and Packer to streamline the deployment of red team redirectors on a large scale.

This tool enables security professionals to efficiently scale out the creation and management of Apache redirectors, which mimic authentic websites.

These redirectors act as a bridge, seamlessly redirecting incoming traffic to a controlled C2 infrastructure.

WolfPack simplifies the process of setting up and configuring these deceptive elements, making it an invaluable asset for security testing and red teaming exercises.


git clone

Ensure that you have downloaded Packer and Terraform before continuing! This can be simply done using the following methods:

Packer And Terraform Download Methods (MacOS):

1.) Install Homebrew by entering this command into your terminal application: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL". Then install both packer and terraform via brew

$ brew tap hashicorp/tap && brew update
$ brew cask install packer
$ brew cask install terraform


To deploy WolfPack, ensure that you have an active AWS profile with credentials within your current terminal session before continuing with the following commands

$ vim playbooks/apache_install.yaml
    - name: Add .htaccess
        dest: /var/www/.htaccess
        content: |
          # .htaccess Start
          RewriteEngine On
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^(GET|POST) [NC]
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/api/v1/2023/(.*)$
          # Change the following to the User-Agent for callbacks
          RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "Mozilla/5.0 \(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 \(KHTML, like Gecko\) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"

          # Change the following to your C2 IP Address
          RewriteRule ^.*$ "{REQUEST_URI}" [P,L]

Deploy the AMI

$ cd images/redirector
$ packer init
$ packer build .

This will deploy a custom redirector AMI within your AWS account EC2 services.

This code is undergoing development, so if you encounter any errors or have any enhancement requests, feel free to create an issue on this repository

Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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