403bypasser automates the techniques used to circumvent access control restrictions on target pages. 403bypasser will continue to be improved and it is open to contributions.


  • Clone the repository to your machine. git clone https://github.com/yunemse48/403bypasser.git
  • Install required modules by running the code pip install -r requirements.txt
  • READY!



-usingle URL to scanhttp://example.com or http://example.com/All these example usages are interpreted in the same way
-Upath to list of URLs./urllist.txt, ../../urllist.txt, etc.Just provide the path where the file is located 🙂
-dsingle directory to scanadmin or /admin or admin/ or /admin/All these example usages are interpreted in the same way
-Dpath to list of directories./dirlist.txt, ../../dirlist.txt, etc.Just provide the path where the file is located 🙂

Usage 1: python3 403bypasser.py -u https://example.com -d /secret
Usage 2: python3 403bypasser.py -u https://example.com -D dirlist.txt
Usage 3: python3 403bypasser.py -U urllist.txt -d /secret
Usage 4: python3 403bypasser.py -U urllist.txt -D dirlist.txt

IMPORTANT NOTE: All the followings are interpreted the same. Therefore, which pattern you use is just a matter of preference.

  • python3 403bypasser.py -u https://example.com -d secret
  • python3 403bypasser.py -u https://example.com -d /secret
  • python3 403bypasser.py -u https://example.com -d /secret/
  • python3 403bypasser.py -u https://example.com -d secret/
  • python3 403bypasser.py -u https://example.com/ -d secret

Since Python is a cross-platform language, one can run this program on different operating systems.


The output of the program is saved (in the current directory) in a file with the name of the domain name given as input.
For example:
python3 403bypasser.py -u https://example.com -d /secret is given. Then the output is saved to example.txt in the current directory.


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