Dora, a tool to Find Exposed API Keys Based On RegEx And Get Exploitation Methods For Some Of Keys That Are Found


  • Blazing fast as we are using ripgrep in backend
  • Exploit/PoC steps for many of the API key, allowing to write a good report for bug bounty hunting
  • Unlike many other API key finders, dora also shows the path to the file and the line with context for easier analysis
  • Can easily be implemented into scripts. See Example Use Cases


Make sure to install ripgrep

clone the repo
git clone
change the working directory to sherlock
cd dora
install dora
python3 install –user


$ dora –help
usage: dora [options]
positional arguments:
PATH Path to directory or file to scan
optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit
–rg-path RG_PATH Specify path to ripgrep
–rg-arguments RG_ARGUMENTS
Arguments you want to provide to ripgrep
–json JSON Load regex data from a valid JSON file (default: db/data.json)
–verbose, -v, –debug, -d
Display extra debugging information
–no-color Don’t show color in terminal output

Example Use Cases

  • Decompile an APK using apktool and run dora to find exposed API keys
  • Scan GitHub repos by cloning it and allowing dora to scan it
  • While scraping sites, run dora to scan for API keys


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