Labtainers include more than 50 cyber lab exercises and tools to build your own. Import a single VM appliance or install on a Linux system and your students are done with provisioning and administrative setup, for these and future lab exercises.

  • Consistent lab execution environments and automated provisioning via Docker containers
  • Multi-component network topologies on a modestly performing laptop computer
  • Automated assessment of student lab activity and progress
  • Individualized lab exercises to discourage sharing solutions

Labtainers provide controlled and consistent execution environments in which students perform labs entirely within the confines of their computer, regardless of the Linux distribution and packages installed on the student’s computer. Labtainers run on our [VM appliance][vm-appliancee], or on any Linux with Dockers installed. And Labtainers is available as cloud-based VMs, e.g., on Azure

See the Student Guide for installation and use, and the Instructor Guide for student assessment. Developing and customizing lab exercises is described in the Designer Guide. See the Papers for additional information about the framework. The Labtainers website, and downloads (including VM appliances with Labtainers pre-installed) are at


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