presenterm lets you create presentations in markdown format and run them from your terminal, with support for image and animated gifs, highly customizable themes, code highlighting, exporting presentations into PDF format, and plenty of other features.


  • Define your presentation in a single markdown file.
  • Images and animated gifs on terminals like kitty, iterm2, and wezterm.
  • Customizeable themes including colors, margins, layout (left/center aligned content), footer for every slide, etc. Several built-in themes can give your presentation the look you want without having to define your own.
  • Code highlighting for a wide list of programming languages.
  • Selective/dynamic code highlighting that only highlights portions of code at a time.
  • Column layouts.
  • mermaid graph rendering.
  • LaTeX and typst formula rendering.
  • Introduction slide that displays the presentation title and your name.
  • Slide titles.
  • Snippet execution for various programming languages.
  • Export presentations to PDF.
  • Pause portions of your slides.
  • Custom key bindings.
  • Automatically reload your presentation every time it changes for a fast development loop.


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