SPF – SpeedPhish Framework For Phishing Exercises

SPF is nothing but a SpeedPhish Framework tool designed using a python to allow for quick recon and deployment of simple social engineering phishing exercises. Requirements For SPF dnspython twisted PhantomJS Also Read Ghost Phisher – Wireless & Ethernet Attack Software Application How to install SPF ? Run the below command to install the SPF tool; …

Ghost Phisher – Wireless & Ethernet Attack Software Application

Ghost Phisher is a Wireless and Ethernet security auditing and attack software program written using the Python Programming Language and the Python Qt GUI library, the program is able to emulate access points and deploy various internal networking servers for networking, penetration testing and phishing attacks. Supported OS Ghost Phisher The Software runs on any …

WiFiJammer – Continuously Jam All Wi-Fi Clients/Routers

WiFiJammer continuously jam all wifi clients and access points within range. The effectiveness of this script is constrained by your wireless card. Alfa cards seem to effectively jam within about a block radius with heavy access point saturation. Granularity is given in the options for more effective targeting. It requires python 2.7, python-scapy, a wireless …

Kwetza – Tool To Infect An Existing Android Application With A Meterpreter Payload

Kwetza is a tool that allows you to infect an existing Android application with a Meterpreter payload. Python script to inject existing Android applications with a Meterpreter payload. What Kwetza actually do ? Kwetza infects an existing Android application with either custom or default payload templates to avoid detection by antivirus. Kwetza allows you to …

Pemcracker – Tool to crack encrypted PEM files

Pemcracker is a tool to crack encrypted PEM files. This tool is inspired by pemcrack by Robert Graham. The purpose is to attempt to recover the password for encrypted PEM files while utilizing all the CPU cores. It still uses high level OpenSSL calls in order to guess the password. As an optimization, instead of …

Crackle – Crack Bluetooth Smart Encryption

Crackle cracks BLE Encryption. It exploits a flaw in the BLE pairing process that allows an attacker to guess or very quickly brute force the TK (Temporary Key). With the TK and other data collected from the pairing process, the STK (Short Term Key) and later the LTK (Long Term Key) can be collected. With …

CSS Keylogger – Chrome Extension And Express Server That Exploits Keylogging Abilities Of CSS

CSS Keylogger is a Chrome extension and Express server that exploits keylogging abilities of CSS. Using a simple script one can create a css file that will send a custom request for every ASCII character. Setup Chrome extension Download repository git clone https://github.com/maxchehab/CSS-Keylogging Visit chrome://extensions in your browser (or open up the Chrome menu by …

Volatility Framework – Volatile memory extraction utility framework

The Volatility Framework is a totally open accumulation of tools, executed in Python under the GNU General Public License, for the extraction of computerized antiquities from unstable memory (RAM) tests. The extraction techniques are performed totally autonomous of the framework being researched yet offer visibilty into the runtime state of the framework. The system is …

PwnAdventure3 – Game Intentionally Vulnerable To Hacks

PwnAdventure3: Pwnie Island is a limited-release, first-person, true open-world MMORPG set on a beautiful island where anything could happen. That’s because this game is intentionally vulnerable to all kinds of silly hacks! Flying, endless cash, and more are all one client change or network proxy away. Are you ready for the mayhem?! Official Site click …