ZPhisher : Automated Phishing Tool For Pentesters

Zphisher is an upgraded form of Shellphish. The main source code is from Shellphish. But I have not fully copied it. I have upgraded it & cleared the Unnecessary Files. It has 37 Phishing Page Templates ; including Facebook , Twitter & Paypal. It also has 4 Port Forwarding Tools . Installation apt updateapt install …

EvilnoVNC – Ready To Go Phishing Platform

EvilnoVNC is a Ready to go Phishing Platform. Unlike other phishing techniques, EvilnoVNC allows 2FA bypassing by using a real browser over a noVNC connection. In addition, this tool allows us to see in real time all of the victim’s actions, access to their downloaded files and the entire browser profile, including cookies, saved passwords, …

MaskPhish : Give A Mask To Phishing URL

MaskPhish is a simple script to hide phishing URL under a normal looking URL(google.com or facebook.com). Installing (Tested on Kali Linux, Termux & Ubuntu): git clone https://github.com/jaykali/maskphish cd maskphish bash maskphish.sh Detailed Article: https://www.kalilinux.in/2020/07/how-to-hide-phishing-link.html Start Disscussion On MaskPhish Want to discuss about MaskPhish with us? (Click Here)[https://github.com/jaykali/maskphish/discussions]. Screenshot

Lockphish : The First Tool For Phishing Attacks

Lockphish it’s the first tool (07/04/2020) for phishing attacks on the lock screen, designed to grab Windows credentials, Android PIN and iPhone Passcode using a https link. Features Lockscreen phishing page for Windows, Android and iPhone Auto detect device Port Forwarding by Ngrok IP Tracker Usage git clone https://github.com/kali-linux-tutorial/lockphishcd lockphishbash lockphish.sh Conclusion This is a …

AdvPhishing : This Is Advance Phishing Tool! OTP PHISHING

AdvPhishing is a advance phishing tool with OTP phishing Bypass. SPECIAL OTP BYPASS VIDEO WORKED Social Media Hack Link Installation Termux https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO3hX1lLBjI Whatsapp OTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyB63ym3QYs Google OTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhSb4My1lZo Paytm OTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TB_sISTw9U Instagram OTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmkV1rrw2-w Phone Pay OTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgaoLubKBBo Telegram OTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhGyGkIDhO0 TECHNIQUE When victim enter his credentials, you need to go to original website and …

Formphish – Auto Phishing Form Based Websites

Formphish is a auto Phishing form-based websites. This tool can automatically detect inputs on html form-based websites to create a phishing page. Features Auto detect device Port Forwarding by Ngrok IP Tracker Dependencies (Httrack and Beautifulsoup) apt-get -y install httrackpython -m pip install -r requirements.txt Usage git clone https://github.com/thelinuxchoice/formphishcd formphishbash formphish.sh Disclaimer Usage of Formphish …

EvilApp : Phishing Attack Using An Android Application

Man-in-the-middle phishing attack using an Android app to grab session cookies for any website, which in turn allows to bypass 2-factor authentication protection. EvilApp brings as an example the hijacking and injection of cookies for authenticated Instagram sessions. Also Read – DiscordRAT : Discord Remote Administration Tool Fully Written In Python Requirement Android Studio Tested …

Lockphish : A Tool For Phishing Attacks On The Lock Screen

Lockphish it’s the first tool (05/13/2020) for phishing attacks on the lock screen, designed to grab Windows credentials, Android PIN and iPhone Passcode using a https link. Features Lockscreen phishing page for Windows, Android and iPhone Auto detect device Port Forwarding by Ngrok IP Tracker Disclaimer Usage of Lockphish for attacking targets without prior mutual …

Pickl3 : Windows Active User Credential Phishing Tool

Pickl3 is a Windows active user credential phishing tool.You can execute the Pickl3 and phish the target user credential. Operational Usage – 1 Nowadays, since the operating system of many end users is Windows 10, we cannot easily steal account information with Mimikatz-like projects like the old days. Using Pickl3, you can try to steal …

Evil SSDP : Create Fake UPnP Devices To Phish For Credentials

Evil SSDP responds to SSDP multicast discover requests, posing as a generic UPNP device. Your spoofed device will magically appear in Windows Explorer on machines in your local network. Users who are tempted to open the device are shown a configurable phishing page. This page can load a hidden image over SMB, allowing you to …