Exploring the Inextricable Link Between Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity

Cybercrime grows in scope and complexity as technology becomes more widely used worldwide. Businesses are being targeted by cybercriminals more than ever before, and it is anticipated that the yearly cost of ransomware will be over $265 billion by 2031. A VPN is a basic need in today’s digital landscape to have some security online. …

Challenges in Proposal Management and How To Overcome Them

Enhancing Proposal Management Proposal management can be a complex task. Companies across all industries face various challenges when managing the process. If you are searching for ways to overcome these challenges, this article is perfect. Understanding Proposal Management An efficient proposal management process is an organized activity that involves coordinating efforts to respond to a …

E-Commerce Data: The Secret Behind Any Successful E-Commerce Business

In the 21st century, data is a valuable asset for businesses operating in all industries, including E-Commerce, health, travel, etc. Clive Humby, a data science entrepreneur, coined the phrase data is the new oil in 2006. Similar to oil, data is invaluable in its raw condition; rather, value is taken when it is collected quickly …

5 Essential Crypto Tools For Linux Users In 2023

Crypto enthusiasts in particular share a common love for all-things open source, and the humble Linux operating system is no exception. As a result, it isn’t surprising to see an avalanche of crypto tools and solutions, especially off-late, all aimed at Linux users who also participate in the global crypto markets. The sheer scale of …

Xerror – An Automated Penetration Testing Tool With GUI

Xerror is an automated pentesting tool, which helps security professionals and nonprofessionals to automate their pentesting tasks. It will perform all tests and, at the end generate two reports for executives and analysts. Xerror provides GUI easy to use menu driven options. Internally it supports openVas for vulnerability scanning, Metasploit for exploitation and gives GUI …

Mongoaudit – An Audit and Pentesting Tool for MongoDB Databases

Databases typically store sensitive data or data that is important for the company. Mongoaudit helps to audit several technical aspects of running a MongoDB instance and get it properly secured. Usage and Audience Mongoaudit is commonly used for Application security or Database security.  Target users for this tool are pentesters, security professionals, and system administrators. …

Reconator – Automated Recon for Pentesting & Bug Bounty

Reconator is a Framework for automating your process of reconnaissance without any Computing resource (Systemless Recon) at free of cost. It is designed to host on Heroku which is a free cloud hosting provider. It performs the work of enumerations along with many vulnerability checks and obtains maximum information about the target domain. It also performs …

The Hackingsage/Hacktronian – A Pentesting Tool for Linux and Android

Hacktronian is a free and open-source tool used for information gathering. It is used for performing numerous data hacking and penetration testing on websites and web applications. Hacktronian has different modules such as information gathering, and password attacks. Hacktronian is a complete package of different hacking tools/modules such as  Setoolkit, Nmap, Host To IP Conversion, WAScan …