Kali Linux

CamRaptor : Tool That Exploits Several Vulnerabilities In Popular DVR Cameras To Obtain Network Camera Credentials

CamRaptor is a tool that exploits several vulnerabilities in popular DVR cameras to obtain network camera credentials. Features Exploits vulnerabilities…

4 years ago

HoneyCreds : Network Credential Injection To Detect Responder And Other Network Poisoners

HoneyCreds network credential injection to detect responder and other network poisoners. Requirements Requires Python 3.6+ (tested on Python 3.9)smbprotocolcffisplunk-sdk Installation…

4 years ago

Dark Load Library : Load Library For Offensive Operations

Dark Load Library is a tool to Load Library for offensive operations. Usage DARKMODULE DarkModule = DarkLoadLibrary(LOAD_LOCAL_FILE, // control flagsL"TestDLL.dll", //…

4 years ago

Mythic : A Collaborative, Multi-Platform, Red Teaming Framework

Mythic is a cross-platform, post-exploit, red teaming framework built with python3, docker, docker-compose, and a web browser UI. It's designed…

4 years ago

HashCheck : Tool To Assist In The Search For Leaked Passwords

HashCheck is a project aims to assist in the search for leaked passwords while maintaining a high level of privacy…

4 years ago

Swift-Attack : Unit Tests For Blue Teams To Aid With Building Detections For Some Common macOS Post Exploitation Methods

Swift-Attack is a unit tests for blue teams to aid with building detections for some common macOS post exploitation methods.…

4 years ago

Xerror : An Automated Penetration Tool

Xerror is an automated penetration tool , which will help security professionals and non professionals to automate their pen testing…

4 years ago

NamedPipePTH : Pass The Hash To A Named Pipe For Token Impersonation

NamedPipePTH project is a PoC code to use Pass-the-Hash for authentication on a local Named Pipe user Impersonation. There also…

4 years ago

LocCheck : A Tool For Simplifying The Process Of Researching IOCs

LocCheck is a tool for simplifying the process of researching file hashes, IP addresses, and other indicators of compromise (IOCs).…

4 years ago

Squalr : Squalr Memory Editor – Game Hacking Tool Written In C#

Squalr is performant Memory Editing software that allows users to create and share cheats in their windows desktop games. This includes…

4 years ago