Cliam is a simple cloud permissions identifier. There are two main components to the CLI. Most of the enumerated permissions are list, describe or get permissions. Only permissions that does not require a specific resource are tested.

  • enumerate which can be used to enumerate specific permissions (recommended)
  • Some service providers have service groups that can check for permissions for a specific subset of services/resources.


Download the latest release. DEV tags are current, but not stable.

In order to build the binary locally, cd into the cli directory and run make dev


Cliam works with credentials obtained from the services well known envars or from passing the commonly required flags from the cli.

It is highly recommond that command completions are set as most of the enumerate options have to be specific. To generate completions, use cliam completion [shell] and set according to your shells completion directory.

❯❯ cliam –help
Cloud Enumerate is a tool to enumerate cloud credentials for their permissions.
cliam [command]
Available Commands:
aws Enumerate AWS credentials for their permissions.
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
gcp Enumerate GCP service accounts for their permissions.
help Help about any command
-h, –help help for cliam
Additional help topics:
cliam azure Enumerate Azure credentials for their permissions.
Use “cliam [command] –help” for more information about a command.


Uses the AWS rest api to make a signed request using the passed in credentials. This greatly adds speed, but makes it a bit more challenging to keep up with adding new permissions. The issue of scale is that AWS uses 3 – 4 variety of requests at the service level

Supports obtaining credentials from AWS profile, flags, or default AWS environment variables like AWS_ACCESS_KEY_IDAWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and optionally AWS_SESSION_TOKEN.

cliam aws –help
Enumerate AWS credentials for their permissions.
cliam aws [command]
Available Commands:
common Enumerate permissions for common AWS resources.
compute Enumerate permissions for common compute AWS resources.
databases Enumerate permissions for common AWS database resources.
enumerate Enumerate permissions for specified AWS resources.
serverless Enumerate permissions for common serverless AWS resources.
storage Enumerate permissions for common storage AWS resources.
–access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID
-h, –help help for aws
–profile string AWS Profile. When profile is set, access-key-id, secret-access-key, and session-token are ignored.
–region string AWS Region (default “us-east-1”)
–secret-access-key string AWS Secret Access Key
–session-token string AWS Session Token
Global Flags:
–max-threads int Maximum number of threads to use. (default 5)
–request-timeout int Timeout for each request in seconds. (default 10)

Known resources

Cliam for AWS also supports enumerating certain permissions which requires a known value. For instance, when using awscli, we can get a function using aws lambda get-function --function-name <function_name>.

This maps directly to cliam where we can use:

cliam aws enumerate lamda –known-value function-name=

This will enumerate all permissions for lambda which takes function-name as a valid argument. This will work with other AWS resources as well. (more coverage coming soon)


Bruteforce all serverless resources from an AWS profile

❯❯ cliam aws serverless –profile=my-profile

Use temporary session tokens obtained to check all ec2 permissions

❯❯ cliam aws enumerate ec2 –session-json=creds.json
Where creds.json has
“Type” : “AWS-HMAC”,
“AccessKeyId” : “ASIA…”,
“SecretAccessKey” : “…”,
“Token” : “…”,

Enumerate permissions for s3, iam and ec2

❯❯ cliam aws enumerate s3 iam ec2


Currently, permissions are enumerate using the cloudresourcemanager API. This will fail if this service is not enabled, but there are future plans to extend using rest alls to confirm permissions.

GCP supports enumerating from a specific service account json file. Credentials from the GCP environment variables GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS and CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT are also supported.

Because there are two modes for GCP enumeration, use enumerate if cloudresourcemanager is enabled or use rest to enumerate specific permissions.

cliam gcp –help
Enumerate GCP service accounts for their permissions.
cliam gcp [command]
Available Commands:
bruteforce Enumerate all GCP permissions
enumerate Enumerate specified GCP permissions
rest GCP permissions using the REST API
-h, –help help for gcp
–project-id string GCP project id
–region string GCP Region (default “us-central1”)
–service-account string GCP service account path
–zone string GCP Zone (default “us-central1-a”)
Global Flags:
–max-threads int Maximum number of threads to use. (default 5)
–request-timeout int Timeout for each request in seconds. (default 10)
Use “cliam gcp [command] –help” for more information about a command.


cliam supports two environment variables to show debug output

  • DEBUG=true (shows status codes of requests)
  • VERBOSE=true (shows body of requests)


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