The next-generation tool in Discord user and guild information harvesting. Built on Dart/Flutter, this platform offers a comprehensive suite of OSINT capabilities, ensuring compliance with rate limits while enhancing automated processing.

Dive into the world of efficient data gathering with Darvester’s advanced features and a user-friendly Material 3 interface.

PoC Discord User And Guild Information Harvester

Darvester aims to provide safe Discord OSINT harvesting, abiding by sane rate limiting and providing automated processing – now written in Dart/Flutter

Repo Notice

Currently, there is no activity and much of this code is likely outdated. The main task at hand is making nyxx-self feature complete, comparable to the discord-py.self library.

Aside from that, the ported harvester loop in the gen2 branch is incomplete and is waiting for nyxx-self.

Although there is much to work on, the frontend supports importing an SQLite database populated with the Python branch.


  • Rate-limit/soft ban avoidance
  • Automated processing
  • Flexible configuration
  • Utilization of the Git version control system to provide chronological data
  • Detailed logging
  • and more

Data Logged For Each User

  • Profile created date, and first seen date
  • Username and discriminator
  • User ID (or Snowflake)
  • Bio/about me
  • Connected accounts (reddit, YouTube, Facebook, etc.)
  • Public Discord flags (Discord Staff, Early Bot Developer, Certified Mod, etc.)
  • Avatar URL
  • Status/Activity (“Playing”, “Listening to”, etc.)
  • Nitro tier

Data Logged For Each Guild

  • Name
  • Icon URL
  • Owner name and ID
  • Splash URL
  • Member count
  • Description
  • Features (thread length, community, etc.)
  • Nitro tier


Using this tool, you agree not to hold the contributors and developers accountable for any damages that may occur. This tool violates Discord terms of service and may result in your access to Discord services terminated.

What Does Darvester Do?

Darvester is meant to be the all-in-one solution for open-source intelligence on the Discord platform.

With the recent GEN2 releases, Darvester now provides an easy-to-use frontend UI along with new features such as multiple harvesting instances, or Isolates, for individual tokens, a refreshed Material 3 UI, and an all-in-one packaged app – no more Python dependencies and virtual environments!


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