While tartufo started its life with one primary mode of operation, scanning the history of a git repository, it has grown other time to have a number of additional uses and modes of operation.

These are all invoked via different sub-commands of tartufo.

Git Repository History Scan

This is the “classic” use case for tartufo: Scanning the history of a git repository. There are two ways to invoke this functionality, depending if you are scanning a repository which you already have cloned locally, or one on a remote system.

Scanning A Local Repository

$ tartufo scan-local-repo /path/to/my/repo

To use docker, mount the local clone to the /git folder in the docker image:

$ docker run --rm -v "/path/to/my/repo:/git" godaddy/tartufo scan-local-repo /git

Scanning A Remote Repository

$ tartufo scan-remote-repo https://github.com/godaddy/tartufo.git

To use docker:

$ docker run --rm godaddy/tartufo scan-remote-repo https://github.com/godaddy/tartufo.git

When used this way, tartufo will clone the repository to a temporary directory, scan the local clone, and then delete it.

Displaying Scan Progress

When running any Git history scan, you can show scan progress by using the --progress or -p flag.

For more information click here.


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