The internet can be a goldmine of information, but if you’re not careful enough, it can also be the reason why you’ll experience identity theft and security breaches. Aside from being careful about your online activities, hiding your IP address can be a good idea to maintain your safety and security online.
The Internet Protocol address or IP address is a numerical label provided by your internet service provider. When you access any website online, the web host can track your location and other online activity through your IP address.
Hiding your IP address
The web host can still do the same even if you already left their website. To ensure that you don’t leave this kind of trail online, hide your IP address because it can provide the following benefits:
1. Hiding your IP address can stop ad networks from tracking you.
As a consumer, you probably understand the importance of marketing in the success of a business. A business needs to attract customers in order to earn a profit, and they can achieve this goal by creating different marketing strategies. And while some of these online advertisements can be entertaining and effective, others can become intrusive over time.
If you access any of your social networking sites with a visible IP address, you’re actually giving businesses the opportunity to track your browsing history. As a result, these businesses can determine which kind of product or service is appropriate for your needs and wants. If you don’t want to be bombarded with ads the next time you use your internet, hide your IP address.

2. Hiding your IP address can hide your online activity from your ISP.
It’s very easy for your internet service provider to know your online activities through your IP address. Your ISP will know what kind of websites you usually visit and how much time you spend on each of these. Most often than not, your ISP can also know what information you submit and receive online. Although this information is still protected by your ISP, you can’t say the same in the coming years. They might sell your information to companies without your consent in order to earn more profit.
When you start to hide your IP address, you don’t need to worry about data tracking and your cybersecurity. Once your IP address is hidden, your ISP can only see that you’re connected to a particular network and that’s it. They won’t have access to any online searches you’ve made or the information you shared.
3. Hiding your IP address can keep your sensitive research private.
Working as a journalist, politician and law enforcer will require confidentiality. For you to play any of these roles, you have to thoroughly research a particular subject and present it to the public with credibility. If you don’t want specific research to be traced back to you, hide your IP address before you begin using the World Wide Web. Hiding your IP address can keep your searches anonymous and private.
4. Hiding your IP address can get you around geographical barriers.
The internet is an accessible platform for everyone, but this doesn’t mean that you can actually access all websites online. If you’re living outside the US or if you’re fond of traveling abroad, you might have issues accessing different online services such as Netflix. This website only offers limited content to international users because of copyright laws. Fortunately, masking your IP address can help you get through this website. Hiding your IP address can disguise your server as if it’s from another location, allowing you to access these websites with ease.
Better Safe Than Sorry The internet can open doors for you to improve your productivity and expand your knowledge. However, not being cautious with your online activities can also create long-term consequences to your career, relationships, and life, in general. To ensure that you’ll be safe online, learn how to hide your IP address by following the information from this article. This precaution can go a long way for you to have a stress-free experience online!