OWASP Maryam is an Open-source intelligence(OSINT) and Web-based Footprinting modular/tool framework based on the Recon-ng and written in Python. If you have skill in Metasploit or Recon-ng, you can easily use it without prerequisites.
Also Read – Lazydocker : The Lazier Way To Manage Everything Docker
What can be done?
If you want
git clone https://github.com/saeeddhqan/Maryam.git
cd Maryam
pip install -r requirements
chmod +x maryam
Quick Guide
For help options
or ?
help <command-name>
for help your commandFor show modules
show modules
For use modules
use <module-name>
or load <module-name>
For show set options
show options
For set an option
set <option-name> <value>
For run selected module
For add a variable
var <$name> <value>
var $hunter_key XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
set HUNTER_KEY $hunter_key
var list
commandvar delete <var-name>
For get report from modules output
set output True
wapps -d domain.com --output
command: report <format> <file-name-for-output> <module-name>
report <format> pdf_docs osint/docs_search localhost
For show history commands
history all
For modules search
search <string>
For record commands
record start <file-name>
record stop
For store all outputs
spool start <file-name>
spool stop
For run commands from file
resource <commands-file-name>
For run shell command
shell <command>
or ! <command>
or <command>
For reload all modules
For config the connections
show options
set TIMEOUT 2.5
For use random user-agent
set RAND_AGENT true
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