
OSQuery is an open-source tool developed by Facebook that allows you to use SQL queries to monitor and manage your operating systems. It transforms your operating system into a relational database, enabling you to query various system properties and configurations using SQL syntax.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of OSQuery, including its types, benefits, usage, and how it can be employed for security and prevention.

What is OSQuery?

OSQuery is a powerful tool that allows users to leverage SQL-like queries to extract information from the operating system. It supports multiple platforms, including macOS, Linux, and Windows. By using SQL queries, OSQuery can retrieve data about running processes, network connections, loaded kernel modules, file hashes, and more.

Types of OSQuery

  1. OSQueryi (Interactive Mode): A command-line interface where users can execute ad-hoc SQL queries directly on the system.
  2. OSQueryd (Daemon Mode): A daemon process that runs in the background to execute scheduled queries and log the results for analysis.

Benefits of OSQuery

  1. Cross-Platform Support: OSQuery works on multiple operating systems, making it a versatile tool for diverse environments.
  2. SQL Interface: The use of SQL makes it easy for users familiar with databases to write complex queries without learning a new language.
  3. Real-Time Monitoring: OSQuery can provide real-time insights into system changes and activities.
  4. Extensibility: Users can write their own extensions to add new tables or functionalities.
  5. Open Source: Being open-source, OSQuery benefits from community contributions and transparency.

How to Use OSQuery


  1. macOS:
   brew install osquery
  1. Linux:
  • For Ubuntu:
    bash sudo apt-get install osquery
  • For CentOS:
    bash sudo yum install osquery
  1. Windows:
    Download the installer from the official website and follow the installation instructions.

Basic Usage

Interactive Mode (OSQueryi)

To start querying interactively:


Example query to list all running processes:

SELECT name, pid FROM processes;

Daemon Mode (OSQueryd)

OSQueryd is used for continuous monitoring by running scheduled queries defined in configuration files.

  1. Create a configuration file (osquery.conf) with scheduled queries:
     "schedule": {
       "processes": {
         "query": "SELECT name, pid FROM processes;",
         "interval": 60
  1. Run OSQueryd with the configuration file:
   osqueryd --config_path=/path/to/osquery.conf

Advanced Features

  • Event-Based Tables: Track real-time events like file changes or network connections.
  • Distributed Queries: Use OSQuery’s distributed query capabilities to execute queries across multiple endpoints simultaneously.

Using OSQuery for Security and Prevention

Monitoring System Changes

  • File Integrity Monitoring: Use hash or file tables to monitor changes in critical files.
  SELECT * FROM hash WHERE path = '/etc/passwd';
  • Process Monitoring: Track suspicious processes by querying the processes table.
  SELECT name, pid FROM processes WHERE name LIKE '%malware%';

Network Security

  • Network Connections: Monitor active network connections using the listening_ports or process_open_sockets tables.
  SELECT * FROM listening_ports;

User Activity Tracking

  • Login Events: Use the last table on Linux or logged_in_users on Windows to track user logins.
  SELECT * FROM logged_in_users;

Prevention Strategies

  1. Alerting on Anomalies: Set up alerts for unusual activities detected by specific queries.
  2. Automated Responses: Integrate OSQuery with security orchestration tools to automate responses to detected threats.
  3. Compliance Auditing: Regularly run compliance checks using predefined queries to ensure systems meet security standards.


Mastering OSQuery involves understanding its capabilities as a SQL-powered endpoint monitoring tool that provides deep visibility into system activities across multiple platforms. By leveraging its features for real-time monitoring, security auditing, and anomaly detection, organizations can significantly enhance their endpoint security posture while maintaining operational efficiency. Whether used in interactive mode for ad-hoc analysis or daemon mode for continuous monitoring, OSQuery offers a flexible and powerful solution for modern IT environments.


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