EDRSandblast : Tool That Weaponize A Vulnerable Signed Driver To Bypass EDR Detections And LSASS Protection


EDRSandBlast is a tool written in C that weaponize a vulnerable signed driver to bypass EDR detections (Kernel callbacks and ETW TI provider) and LSASS protections. Multiple userland unhooking techniques are also implemented to evade userland monitoring. As of release, combination of userland (--usermode) and Kernel-land (--kernelmode) techniques were used to dump LSASS memory under EDR scrutiny, without being blocked nor generating "OS Credential Dumping"-related events in the product...

365Inspect : A PowerShell Script That Automates The Security Assessment Of Microsoft Office 365 Environments


365Inspect requires the administrative PowerShell modules for Microsoft Online, Azure AD (We recommend installing the AzureADPreview module), Exchange administration, Microsoft Graph, Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Teams, and Sharepoint administration. The 365Inspect.ps1 PowerShell script will validate the installed modules. If you do not have these modules installed, you will be prompted to install them, and with your approval, the script will attempt installation. Otherwise,...

Shhhloader : SysWhispers Shellcode Loader


Shhhloader is a SysWhispers Shellcode Loader that is currently a Work in Progress. It takes raw shellcode as input and compiles a C++ stub that has been integrated with SysWhispers in order to bypass AV/EDR. The included python builder will work on any Linux system that has Mingw-w64 installed. The tool has been confirmed to successfully load Meterpreter and a...

modifyCertTemplate : ADCS Cert Template Modification And ACL Enumeration


modifyCertTemplate tool is designed to aid an operator in modifying ADCS certificate templates so that a created vulnerable state can be leveraged for privilege escalation (and then reset the template to its previous state afterwards). This is specifically designed for a scenario where WriteProperty rights over a template have been compromised, but the operator is unsure which properties the right applies...

Melody : A Transparent Internet Sensor Built For Threat Intelligence


Melody is a transparent internet sensor built for threat intelligence and supported by a detection rule framework which allows you to tag packets of interest for further analysis and threat monitoring. Features Here are some key features of Melody : Transparent captureWrite detection rules and tag specific packets to analyze them at scaleMock vulnerable websites using the builtin HTTP/S serverSupports the main...

Maat : Open-source Symbolic Execution Framework


Maat is an open-source Dynamic Symbolic Execution and Binary Analysis framework. It provides various functionalities such as symbolic execution, taint analysis, constraint solving, binary loading, environment simulation, and leverages Ghidra's sleigh library for assembly lifting: https://maat.re Key Features Fast & Portable: Designed to scale to real-world applications. Fully written in C++ for good runtime performance. There are hardly any runtime dependencies, and...

Presshell : Quick And Dirty WordPress Command Execution Shell


Presshell is a tool for Quick & dirty Wordpress Command Execution Shell. Execute shell commands on your wordpress server. Uploaded shell will probably be at <your-host>/wp-content/plugins/shell/shell.php Installation To install the shell, we are assuming you have administrative rights to Wordpress and can install plugins since transferring a PHP file to the media library shouldn't work anyway. Otherwise, you have a bigger problem. Simply...

NimPackt-v1 : Nim-based Assembly Packer And Shellcode Loader For Opsec And Profit


NimPackt-v1 is among the worst code I have ever written (I was just starting out learning Nim). Because of this, I started on a full rewrite of NimPackt, dubbed 'NimPackt-NG' (currently still private). With this re-write, I decided to open-source the old branch ("NimPackt-v1"). As such, this branch is no longer maintained and comes without any form of warranty...

Wholeaked : A File-Sharing Tool That Allows You To Find The Responsible Person In Case Of A Leakage


Wholeaked is a file-sharing tool that allows you to find the responsible person in case of a leakage. It's written in Go. How? wholeaked gets the file that will be shared and a list of recipients. It creates a unique signature for each recipient and adds it to the file secretly. After then, it can automatically send files to the corresponding...

EvilSelenium : A Tool That Weaponizes Selenium To Attack Chromium Based Browsers


EvilSelenium is a new project that weaponizes Selenium to abuse Chromium-based browsers. The current features right now are: Steal stored credentials (via autofill)Steal cookiesTake screenshots of websitesDump Gmail/O365 emailsDump WhatsApp messagesDownload & exfiltrate filesAdd SSH keys to GitHub Or extend the existing functionality to suit your needs (e.g. Download files from the user's GDrive/OneDrive). Usage EvilSelenium.exe /?/help - Show this help menu.SETUP:/install - Install chromedriver...