Dome : Fast And Reliable Python Script That Makes Active And/Or Passive Scan To Obtain Subdomains


Dome is a fast and reliable python script that makes active and/or passive scan to obtain subdomains and search for open ports. This tool is recommended for bug bounty hunters and pentester in their reconnaissance phase. the more surface area exposed the faster a rock with break down If you want to use more OSINT engines, fill the config.api file with the needed...

Codecat v0.56 : An Open-Source Tool To Help You Find/Track User Input Sinks And Security Bugs


CodeCat is an open-source tool to help you find/track user input sinks and security bugs using static code analysis. These points follow regex rules. Current rules for C,C++,GO, Python, javascript, Swift, PHP, Ruby, ASP, Kotlin, Dart and Java.(you can create your rules). How too install, step by step Go to CodeCat directory, install backend and frontend libs: $ apt install python3-venv python3-dev...

Nivistealer : Steal Victim Images Exact Location Device Info And Much More


Nivistealer is a tool to Steal Victim Images Exact Location Device Info And Much More. Features Steal Victim IpSteal Device InfoSteal Network and Battery InfoUses Device Gps to steal exact locationSteal pic from front cameraSteal text from victim clipboard (added recently)Send logs to discord also save them locally in a txt fileWorks on android, windows,linux,mac osUses iframe to load live...

ASSAMEE : Free Advance Encryptor For Anon Cloud


ASSAMEE is a free Advance encryptor for Anonfiles. It uses an advanced encryption method to encrypt the directory with AES-256. The data will store on in an encrypted format. The ASSAMEE requires a download ID to download and decrypt the data from Anonfiles. Downloading encrypted data directly from anon files via a browser will not work. ASSAMEE Required Packages. ZipCurlopenssljq The...

WSVuls : Website Vulnerability Scanner Detect Issues


WSVuls is a simple and powerful command line tool for Linux, Windows and macOS. It's designed for developers/testers and for those workers in IT who want to test vulnerabilities and analyses website from a single command. It detects issues outdated software version, insecures HTTP headers, the long and useless requests Why WSVuls ? WSVuls can extract the following data while crawling: Cloudflare...

Scanmycode-Ce : Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting Using Many tools/Scanners


Scanmycode-Ce is a Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting solution using many tools/Scanners with One Report. You can also add any tool to it. Currently, it supports many languages and tech stacks. Similar to SonarQube, but it is different. TLDR To install it. Install docker and docker-compose and then: 2 options Fastest (use DockerHub built images). If unsure, use this. git clone scanmycode-ce/dockerhub./ Slower (build everything) git clone scanmycode-ce/docker./ Go in the...

Master_Librarian : A Tool To Audit Unix/*BSD/Linux System Libraries To Find Public Security Vulnerabilities


Master_Librarian is a simple tool to audit Unix/*BSD/Linux system libraries to find public security vulnerabilities. To install requirements: $ sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt Overview: $ python3 -hMaster librarian v0.3Tool to search public vulnerabilities on local librariesby CoolerVoidExample:$ python3 -t csv$ python3 -t txt -l 3usage: -t TYPES optional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and...

GONET-Scanner : Golang Network Scanner With Arp Discovery And Own Parser


GONET-Scanner tool has its own ARP scanner and parser facility. ScreenShots Install chmod +x Usage -ar CIDR: ARP Discovery-ar CIDR -s: Scan ports in all hosts discovered-ap: Scan to 65535 Ports-pr MINPORT MAXPORT: Define Port Range to Scan-1000: Scan Top 1000 ports (like nmap)-t: Set Timeout (in milliseconds)go run scannerport.go -ap : Allports TCP Scango run scannerport.go Default Scan 0-1024 portsgo run...

Geowifi : Search WiFi Geolocation Data By BSSID And SSID On Different Public Databases


Geowifi is a tool to Search WiFi geolocation data by BSSID and SSID on different public databases. Databases WigleAppleOpenWifiMilnikov Prerequisites Python3.In order to display emojis on Windows, it is recommended to install the new Windows terminal. In order to use the Wigle service it is necessary to obtain an API and configure the utils/API.yaml file replacing the value of the "wigle_auth" parameter for the "Encoded for use" data provided by Wigle. This...

GraphQL Cop : Security Auditor Utility For GraphQL APIs


GraphQL Cop is a small Python utility to run common security tests against GraphQL APIs. GraphQL Cop is perfect for running CI/CD checks in GraphQL. It is lightweight, and covers interesting security issues in GraphQL. GraphQL Cop allows you to reproduce the findings by providing cURL commands upon any identified vulnerabilities. Requirements Python3Requests Library Detections Alias Overloading (DoS)Batch Queries (DoS)GET based Queries (CSRF)GraphQL Tracing...