Snap Scraper : Enables Users To Download Media Uploaded To Snapchat’s Snap Map
Snap Scraper is an open source intelligence tool which enables users to download media uploaded to Snapchat's Snap Map using a set of latitude and longitude co-ordinates. This project is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Snap inc. or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This program is for education, forensic and bug reporting...
SourceLeakHacker : A Multi Threads Web Application Source Leak Scanner
SourceLeakHacker is a multi-threads web directories scanner. Installation pip install -r requirements.txt Usage usage: optional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exit--url URL url to scan, eg: ''--urls URLS file contains urls to scan, one line one url.--scale {full,tiny} build-in dictionary scale--output OUTPUT output folder, default: result/YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss--threads THREADS, -t THREADSthreads numbers, default: 4--timeout TIMEOUT HTTP request timeout--level {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG}, -v {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG}log...
Onionservice : Manage Your Onion Services Via CLI Or TUI On Unix-like Operating System
Onionservice is a minimal requirement, portable collection of scripts and documentation to help the service operator juggle (manage) his onion(s). WARNING: do not trust this repo yet, backup your hs keys in another location. This project has not been released and should be considered for development only. History This project was started after seeing the amazing OnionShare CLI python scripts, which possibilitates ephemeral...
NimHollow : Nim Implementation Of Process Hollowing Using Syscalls (PoC)
NimHollow is a Nim Implementation Of Process Hollowing Using Syscalls (PoC). Playing around with the Process Hollowing technique using Nim. Features Direct syscalls for triggering Windows Native API functions with NimlineWhispers or NimlineWhispers2.Shellcode encryption/decryption with AES in CTR mode.Simple sandbox detection methods from the OSEP course by @offensive-security. DISCLAIMER. All information contained in this repository is provided for educational and research purposes only. The author is not responsible for...
Spamscanner : Spam Scanner Is The Best Anti-Spam, Email Filtering, And Phishing Prevention Service
Spamscanner is a tool and service built by @niftylettuce after hitting countless roadblocks with existing spam-detection solutions. In other words, it's our current plan for spam. Our goal is to build and utilize a scalable, performant, simple, easy to maintain, and powerful API for use in our service at Forward Email to limit spam and provide other measures to prevent attacks on our users. Initially we tried using SpamAssassin,...
Spray365 : Makes Spraying Microsoft Accounts Through Two-Step Password Spraying Approach
Spray365 is a password spraying tool that identifies valid credentials for Microsoft accounts (Office 365 / Azure AD). How is Spray365 different from the many other password spraying tools that are already available? Spray365 enables passwords to be sprayed from an "execution plan". While having a pre-generated execution plan that describe the spraying operation well before it occurs has...
SQLbit : Just Another Script For Automatize Boolean-Based Blind SQL Injectionsv
SQLbit is just another script for automatize boolean-based blind SQL injections.Works with SQLite at least, supports using cookies.It uses bitwise comparisons with multithreading to find cell values instead of binary search, which is more efficient. It's able to: Search cell values by columns in a tableSearch characters count in a cells by columns in a tableSearch rows count in a...
Mesh-Kridik : An Open-Source Security Checker That Performs Security Checks On A Kubernetes Cluster
Mesh-Kridik is an open-source security checker that performs various security checks on a Kubernetes cluster with istio service mesh and outputs a security report The security checks tests are the full implementation of istio security best practices The security checks performed on a Kubernetes cluster with istio service mesh and is leveraged by OPA (Open Policy Agent) to enforce security rules, and...
Web Cache Vulnerability Scanner : A Go-based CLI Tool For Testing Web Cache Poisoning
Web Cache Vulnerability Scanner (WCVS) is a fast and versatile CLI scanner for web cache poisoning developed by Hackmanit. The scanner supports many different web cache poisoning techniques, includes a crawler to identify further URLs to test, and can adapt to a specific web cache for more efficient testing. It is highly customizable and can be easily integrated into existing CI/CD pipelines. Features Support for...
MUI : A GUI Plugin For Binary Ninja To Interact And View The Progress Of Manticore
MUI (Manticore User Interface) project, we provide a graphical user interface plugin for Binary Ninja to allow users to easily interact with and view progress of the Manticore symbolic execution engine for analysis of smart contracts and native binaries. ATTENTION This project is under active development and may be unstable or unusable. Please open an issue if you have any difficulties using the existing...