ELFXtract : An Automated Analysis Tool Used For Enumerating ELF Binaries


ELFXtract is an automated analysis tool used for enumerating ELF binaries Powered by Radare2 and r2ghidra This is specially developed for PWN challenges and it has many automated features It almost displays every details of the ELF and also decompiles its ASM to C code using r2ghidra Decompiling ELFs in Ghidra takes more time, but in elfxtract it decompiles and displays in few seconds Features in ELFXtract File infoShared object dependency detailsELF...

LOLBins : PyQT5 App For LOLBAS And GTFOBins


LOLBins is a PyQT app to list all Living Off The Land Binaries and Scripts for Windows from LOLBAS and Unix binaries that can be used to bypass local security restrictions in misconfigured systems from GTFOBins. Download

Redherd Framework : A Collaborative And Serverless Framework For Orchestrating A Geographically Distributed Group Of Assets


Redherd Framework is a collaborative and serverless framework for orchestrating a geographically distributed group of assets capable of conducting simulating complex offensive cyberspace operations. The framework takes advantage of the "as a Service" paradigm in order to deploy a ready-to-use infrastructure that can also be adopted for effective training purposes, by reliably reproducing a real-world cyberspace scenario in which red and blue...

Whoc : A Container Image That Extracts The Underlying Container Runtime


Whoc is a container image that extracts the underlying container runtime and sends it to a remote server. Poke at the underlying container runtime of your favorite CSP container platform! WhoC at Defcon 29 Cloud VillageAzurescape - whoc-powered research, the first cross-account container takeover in the public cloud (70,000$ bounty) How does it work? As shown by runc CVE-2019-5736, traditional Linux container runtimes expose...

Whispers : Identify Hardcoded Secrets In Static Structured Text


Whispers is a static code analysis tool designed for parsing various common data formats in search of hardcoded credentials and dangerous functions. Whispers can run in the CLI or you can integrate it in your CI/CD pipeline. Detects PasswordsAPI tokensAWS keysPrivate keysHashed credentialsAuthentication tokensDangerous functionsSensitive files Supported Formats Whispers is intended to be a structured text parser, not a code parser. The following commonly used formats...

UDP-Hunter : Network Assessment Tool For Various UDP Services Covering Both IPv4 And IPv6 Protocols


UDP-Hunter is a UDP Scanning has always been a slow and painful exercise, and if you add IPv6 on top of UDP, the tool choices get pretty limited. UDP Hunter is a python based open source network assessment tool focused on UDP Service Scanning. With UDP Hunter, we have focused on providing auditing of widely known UDP protocols for...

ThreatBox : A Standard And Controlled Linux Based Attack Platform


ThreatBox is a standard and controlled Linux based attack platform. I've used a version of this for years. It started as a collection of scripts, lived as a rolling virtual machine, existed as code to build a Linux ISO, and has now been converted to a set of ansible playbooks. Why Ansible? Why not? This seemed to be the...

How to Start a Coaching Business Online


If you're interested in starting a coaching business, there are several things you should do before you get started. These tips will help you find the right niche and build your business. If you have experience in a specific field, leverage that knowledge to your advantage. Then, focus on your strengths to build a coaching business that will scale...

ThreadBoat : Program Uses Thread Execution Hijacking To Inject Native Shell-code Into A Standard Win32 Application


ThreadBoat is a Program uses Thread Hijacking to Inject Native Shellcode into a Standard Win32 Application. About I developed this small project to continue my experiences of different code injection methods and to allow RedTeam security professionals to utilize this method as a unique way to perform software penetration testing. With Thread hijacking, it allows the hijacker.exe program to susepend a...

Stacs : Static Token And Credential Scanner


Stacs is a YARA powered static credential scanner which supports binary file formats, analysis of nested archives, composable rulesets and ignore lists, and SARIF reporting. What does STACS support? Currently, STACS supports recursive unpacking of tarballs, gzips, bzips, zips, 7z, iso, rpm and xz files. As STACS works on detected file types, rather than the filename, propriatary file formats based on these types...