Pastego : Scrape/Parse Pastebin Using GO And Expression Grammar


Pastego is a scrape/Parse Pastebin using GO and grammar expression (PEG). Installation $ go get -u Usage Search keywords are case sensitive pastego -s "password,keygen,PASSWORD" You can use boolean operators to reduce false positive pastego -s "quake && ~earthquake, password && ~(php || sudo || Linux || '<body>')" This command will search for bins with quake but not earthquake words and for bins with password but...

h2cSmuggler : HTTP Request Smuggling Over HTTP/2 Cleartext (H2C)


h2cSmuggler smuggles HTTP traffic past insecure edge-server proxy_pass configurations by establishing HTTP/2 cleartext (h2c) communications with h2c-compatible back-end servers, allowing a bypass of proxy rules and access controls. See my detailed write-up below for: Technical breakdown of the vulnerabilityInsecure-by-default servicesRemediation guidance Here: How to test? Any proxy endpoint that forwards h2c upgrade headers can be affected. Because h2c is intended to be performed...

MapCIDR : Small Utility Program To Perform Multiple Operations For A Given sub-net/CIDR Ranges


MapCIDR is a small utility program to perform multiple operations for a given subnet/CIDR ranges. The tool was developed to ease load distribution for mass scanning operations, it can be used both as a library and as independent CLI tool. Features Simple and modular code base making it easy to contribute.CIDR distribution for distributed scanning.Stdin and stdout support for integrating in workflows Installation From...

Lil PWNY : Auditing Active Directory Passwords Using Multiprocessing In Python


Lil Pwny is a Python application to perform an offline audit of NTLM hashes of users' passwords, recovered from Active Directory, against known compromised passwords from Have I Been Pwned. The usernames of any accounts matching HIBP will be returned in a .txt file There are also additional features: Ability to provide a list of your own passwords to check AD...

Polypyus : Locate Functions In Raw Binaries By Extracting Known Functions


Polypyus learns to locate functions in raw binaries by extracting known functions from similar binaries. Thus, it is a firmware historian. Polypyus works without disassembling these binaries, which is an advantage for binaries that are complex to disassemble and where common tools miss functions. In addition, the binary-only approach makes it very fast and run within a few seconds....

Cooolis-MS : A Server That Supports The Metasploit Framework RPC


Cooolis-ms is a server that supports Metasploit Framework RPC. It is used to work for Shellcode and PE loader, bypassing the static detection of anti-virus software to a certain extent, and allows the Cooolis-ms server to perform with the Metasploit server separate. Loader execution process: connect to Cooolis-ServerCooolis-Server connects to Metasploit RPC serverretrieve the payload and send it back to the...

PwnedPasswordsChecker : Tool To Check Hash Of Password


PwnedPasswordsChecker is a tool that checks if the hash of a known password (in SHA1 or NTLM format) is present in the list of I Have Been Pwned leaks and the number of occurrences. You can download the hash-coded version for SHA1 here or the hash-coded version for NTLM here Once the list is downloaded it is then necessary to convert...

Wacker : A WPA3 Dictionary Cracker


Wacker is a set of scripts to help perform an online dictionary attack against a WPA3 access point. Wacker leverages the wpa_supplicant control interface to control the operations of the supplicant daemon and to get status information and event notifications ultimately helping speedup connection attempts during brute force attempts. Find a WPA3 AP to use If you already have a WPA3...

SharpSecDump : .Net Port Of The Remote SAM + LSA Secrets Dumping


SharpSecDump is a .Net port of the remote SAM + LSA Secrets dumping functionality of impacket's By default runs in the context of the current user. Please only use in environments you own or have permission to test against. Usage SharpSecDump.exe -target= -u=admin -p=Password123 -d=test.local Required Flags -target - Comma seperated list of IP's / hostnames to scan. Please don't include spaces...

Velociraptor : Endpoint Visibility and Collection Tool


Velociraptor is a tool for collecting host based state information using Velocidex Query Language (VQL) queries. To learn more about Velociraptor, read the documentation on: Quick Start If you want to see what Velociraptor is all about simply: Download the binary from the release page for your favorite platform (Windows/Linux/MacOS).Start the GUI $ velociraptor gui This will bring up the GUI, Frontend...