Terra guard’s goal is to be simple to create and destroy your own VPN service using Wire Guard.


  • Terraform >= 1.0.0
  • Ansible >= 2.10.5

How To Deploy


Run with sudo is necessary because we need permission on localhost to install packages, configure a network interface and start a process.

Select your cloud provider AWSDigitalOcean and open the directory

You can change the region or key name in the variable.tf

  • Initialize Terraform

terraform init

  • Plan our modifications

sudo terraform plan

  • Apply the changes

sudo terraform apply

  • For Digital Ocean you need to declare your token(do_token) in variable.tf or command line:

sudo terraform plan -var “do_token=value”
sudo terraform apply -var “do_token=value”

Tests – Checking the IP

  • Test the connection without VPN

curl ipinfo.io/ip

  • Start VPN

sudo systemctl start wg-quick@wg0

  • Test the connection with VPN

curl ipinfo.io/ip