TaskManager Button Disabler : Simple Way To Disable/Rename Buttons From A Task Manager


TaskManager Button Disabler is a simple way to disable/rename buttons from a task manager. Installation $git clone https://github.com/Mrakovic-ORG/TaskManager-Button-Disabler $cd TaskManager-Button-DisablerTaskManager Button Disabler $dotnet build Features Rename kill proccess buttonDisable kill proccess buttonWorks in TaskMgr, ProcessHacker etc... Also Read - Syborg : Recursive DNS Subdomain Enumerator With Dead-End Avoidance System In Action Download

Metabigor : Intelligence Tool But Without API Key


Metabigor is Intelligence tool, its goal is to do OSINT tasks and more but without any API key. Installation go get -u github.com/j3ssie/metabigor Main Features Discover IP Address of the target.Wrapper for running masscan and nmap on IP target.Do searching from command line on some search engine. Demo Also Read - Gospider : Fast Web Spider Written In Go Example Commands #discovery IP of a...

Rabid : Tool To Decode All Kind Of BigIP Cookies


Rabid is a CLI tool and library allowing to simply decode all kind of BigIP cookies. Features Support all 4 cookie formatsCLI tool & libraryHackable Quick install $ gem install rabid Default usage: CLI $ rabid 'BIGipServer=1677787402.36895.0000'Pool name: Cookie type: IPv4 pool membersRaw cookie: BIGipServer=1677787402.36895.0000Decoded cookie: Default usage: library require 'bigipcookie'#IPv4 pool members, with pool namebip = BigIPCookie::Decode.new('BIGipServer=1677787402.36895.0000')#Automatically decodebip.auto_decode#Print resultputs "Cookie: #{bip.decoded_cookie}" Also Read - NekoBot...

Top 9 Best Gaming Mouse for Small Hands in 2020


Not everyone is blessed with big fat palms. Some gamers do have petite figure and matching petite hands. Now when it comes to gaming venture, the Razer gaming mouse is known to have multiple buttons not just on the top but on sides too. So, if you have a small hand and operating an average size mouse, chances are...

How to Hack a Mobile Phone With Just The Number


Hacking is one of those practices that almost attracts everybody, especially young teenagers. In this modern era of technology, hacking is getting common day by day, although hacking is not a walk in the park for everyone. If we talk about hacking a mobile phone then there are many types of hacking techniques that occur in this particular hacking...

0l4bs : Cross-Site Scripting Labs For Web Application Security Enthusiasts


Ol4bs is a cross-site scripting labs for web application security enthusiasts. List of Chall ~ Chall 1 | URL ~ Chall 2 | Form ~ Chall 3 | User-Agent ~ Chall 4 | Referrer ~ Chall 5 | Cookie ~ Chall 6 | LocalStorage ~ Chall 7 | Login Page ~ Chall 8 | File Upload ~ Chall 9 | Base64 Encoding ~ Chall 10 | Removes Alert ~ Chall...

CVE-API : Unofficial API for CVE.MITRE.ORG


CVE Api is a parse & filter the latest CVEs from cve.mitre.org. Usage http://localhost:4000/cve?target=KEYWORD The year parameter is optional. http://localhost:4000/cve?target=KEYWORD&year=YEAR Examples http://localhost:4000/cve?target=ruby%20on%20rails http://localhost:4000/cve?target=ruby%20on%20rails&year=2020 If you want to parse the latest year, use the "latest" keyword.http://localhost:4000/cve?target=ruby%20on%20rails&year=latest Also Read - Fuzzowski : The Network Protocol Fuzzer Getting Started Download the projectbundle installruby rest.rb Requirements RubyDocker (Optional, only required if you want to run through a container.) Environment You can switch between prod & dev at config/environment.rbYou...

NekoBot : Auto Exploiter With 500+ Exploit 2000+ Shell


NekoBot is an auto exploit tool to facilitate the penetration of one or many websites (Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Opencart,and Etc). Features Wordpress : 1- Cherry-Plugin2- download-manager Plugin3- wysija-newsletters4- Slider Revolution 5- gravity-forms6- userpro7- wp-gdpr-compliance8- wp-graphql9- formcraft10- Headway11- Pagelines Plugin12- WooCommerce-ProductAddons13- CateGory-page-icons14- addblockblocker15- barclaycart16- Wp 4.7 Core Exploit17- eshop-magic18- HD-WebPlayer19- WP Job Manager20- wp-miniaudioplayer21- wp-support-plus22- ungallery Plugin23- WP User Frontend24- Viral-options25-...

Gospider : Fast Web Spider Written In Go


GoSpider is a Fast web spider written in Go. Installation go get -u github.com/jaeles-project/gospider Features Fast web crawlingBrute force and parse sitemap.xmlParse robots.txtGenerate and verify link from JavaScript filesLink FinderFind AWS-S3 from response sourceFind subdomains from response sourceGet URLs from Wayback Machine, Common Crawl, Virus Total, Alien VaultFormat output easy to GrepSupport Burp inputCrawl multiple sites in parallelRandom mobile/web User-Agent Also...

DecryptTeamViewer : Enumerate & Decrypt TeamViewer Credentials From Windows Registry


DecryptTeamViewer uses CVE-2019-18988 to enumerate and decrypt TeamViewer credentials from Windows registry. Blogpost detailing the vulnerability by clicking here. See below for an implementation in Python as well as further below for a post metasploit module; import sys, hexdump, binasciifrom Crypto.Cipher import AESclass AESCipher: def init(self, key): self.key =...