Brave Browser – Secure, Fast & Private Web Browser with Adblocker
The Brave Browser is your fast, safe private web browser with ad blocker, private tabs and pop-up blocker. Browse without being tracked by advertisers, malware and pop-ups. Fast & Secure Web BrowserNo external plugins or settings! Brave privacy browser simply provides the most secure, lightning fast web browser for Android. Enjoy browsing without popups (pop up blocker), ads, malware and...
Asset Discover : Burp Suite Extension to Discover Assets From HTTP Response
Asset Discover is a tool for burp suite extension to discover assets from HTTP response using passive scanning. The outcome of any security assessment program, be it vulnerability assessment, penetration test or red team is limited by it’s scope. We cannot remediate the risks associated with a particular resource, which is not part of the scope of the assessment,...
The Dark Side of Free VPNs – Things You Must Know
Internet privacy should be everyone’s main concern, whether you use the internet just use for social media or internet banking, you should want to keep your browsing as private as possible. There are a plethora of premium VPN products available across the market and you have the option to pay for a variety of services that will endeavor to...
NetAss2 : Network Assessment Assistance Framework (PenTest Toolkit)
NetAss2 is a easier network scanning with NetAss2 (Network Assessment Assistance Framework). Make it easy for Pentester to do penetration testing on network. Dependencies nmap (tool)zmap (tool) Installation git clone cd NetAss2 sudo chmod +x install.bash sudo ./install.bash Run netass2 Existing Menu HOST DISCOVERY PORT SCAN ON SINGLE HOST MASSIVE PORT SCAN VIA DISCOVERED HOSTS MASSIVE PORT SCAN VIA LIST ON FILE SINGLE PORT...
RSDL : Subdomain Scan With Ping Method
RSDL is a tool for subdomain Scan With Ping Method. FlagsValueDescription--hostnameexample.comDomain for scan.--outputRecords the output with the domain name.--list/tmp/lists/example.txtLister for subdomains. Also Read - GCPBucketBrute : A Script To Enumerate Google Storage Buckets Installation go get repo and build ( go build rsdl.go ) Used Repos GO Spinner : - GO Ping : - Download
Cacti : Complete Network Graphing Solution
Cacti is a complete network graphing solution designed to harness the power of RRDtool's data storage and graphing functionality providing the following features: Remote and local data collectorsDevice discoveryAutomation of device and graph creationGraph and device templatingCustom data collection methodsUser, group and domain access controls All of this is wrapped in an intuitive, easy to use interface that makes sense for...
HAL – The Hardware Analyzer
HAL is a comprehensive reverse engineering and manipulation framework for gate-level netlists focusing on efficiency, extend-ability and portability. It comes with a fully-fledged plugin system, allowing to introduce arbitrary functionalities to the core. Features Natural directed graph representation of netlist elements and their connectionsSupport for custom gate librariesHigh performance thanks to optimized C++ coreModularity: write your own...
GCPBucketBrute : A Script To Enumerate Google Storage Buckets
GCPBucketBrute is a script to enumerate Google Storage buckets, determine what access you have to them, and determine if they can be privilege escalated. This script (optionally) accepts GCP user/service account credentials and a keyword.Then, a list of permutations will be generated from that keyword which will then be used to scan for the existence of Google Storage buckets...
Threat_Note : DPS’ Lightweight Investigation Notebook
threat_note is a web application built by Defense Point Security to allow security researchers the ability to add and retrieve indicators related to their research. As of right now this includes the ability to add IP Addresses, Domains and Threat Actors, with more types being added in the future. This app fills the gap between various...
ADAudit : Powershell Script To Do Domain Auditing Automation
ADAudit is a PowerShell Script to perform a quick AD audit. If you have any decent powershell one liners that could be used in the script please let me know. I'm trying to keep this script as a single file with no requirements on external tools (other than ntdsutil and cmd.exe) Run directly on a DC...