WindowsSpyBlocker – Block Spying & Tracking On Windows


WindowsSpyBlocker is an application written in Go and delivered as a single executable to block spying and tracking on Windows systems. The initial approach of this application is to capture and analyze network traffic based on a set of tools. Configuration file app.conf is generated at first launch :         Also Read Shodanwave – Tool For Exploring & Obtaining Information From Cameras WindowsSpyBlocker Telemetry...

IDB – Tool To Simplify Some Common Tasks For iOS Pentesting & Research


IDB is a tool to simplify some common tasks for iOS pentesting and research. Originally there was a command line version of the tool, but it is no longer under development so you should get the GUI version. It has some prerequisites. As it turns out, things like ruby and Qt are difficult to bundle into a stand-alone installer. While...

Shodanwave – Tool For Exploring & Obtaining Information From Cameras


Shodanwave is a tool for exploring and obtaining information from cameras specifically Netwave IP Camera. The tool uses a search engine called shodan that makes it easy to search for cameras online. What does the tool to? Look, a list! Search Brute force SSID and WPAPSK Password Disclosure E-mail, FTP, DNS, MSN Password Disclosure Exploit This is an example of shodan...

PCILeech – Direct Memory Access (DMA) Attack Software


PCILeech uses PCIe hardware devices to read and write from the target system memory. This is achieved by using DMA over PCIe. No drivers are needed on the target system. PCILeech supports multiple memory acquisition devices. Primarily hardware based, but also dump files and software based techniques based on select security issues are supported. USB3380 based hardware is only able...

Mercure – Tool For Security Managers Who Want To Train Their Colleague To Phishing


Mercure is a tool for security managers who want to train their colleague to phishing. What Mercure can do: Create email templates Create target lists Create landing pages Handle attachments Let you keep track in the Campaign dashboard Track email reads, landing page visits, and attachment execution. Harvest credentials Schedule campaigns Minimize link in email templates What Mercure will do: Display...

GoldenEye – GoldenEye Layer 7 DoS Test Tool


GoldenEye is an python app for SECURITY TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. GoldenEye is a HTTP DoS Test Tool. Attack Vector exploited: HTTP Keep Alive + NoCache. GoldenEye Usage USAGE: ./ <url> OPTIONS: Flag Description ...

ReelPhish – A Real-Time Two-Factor Phishing Tool


Security Firm FireEye Released a new Phishing tool called ReelPhish to simplifies the real-time Phishing attack that is designed to be run on the attacker’s system and control it by navigating the Attacker web browser. Also Read WTF – A Personal Information Dashboard For Your Terminal ReelPhish Phishing Instillation The latest release of Python 2.7.x is required. Install Selenium, a required dependency...

OWTF – Offensive Web Testing Framework Great Tools & Make Pen Testing More Efficient


OWTF or Offensive Web Testing Framework, is a framework which tries to unite great tools and make pen testing more efficient. OWASP OWTF is a project focused on penetration testing efficiency and alignment of security tests to security standards like the OWASP Testing Guide (v3 and v4), the OWASP Top 10, PTES and NIST so that pentesters will have...

WTF – A Personal Information Dashboard For Your Terminal


WTF is a personal terminal-based dashboard utility, designed for displaying infrequently-needed, but very important, daily data. WTF is only compatible with Go versions 1.9.2 or later. It currently does not compile with gccgo. Also Read Cr3dOv3r – Know The Dangers Of Credential Reuse Attacks WTF Installation There are two ways to install WTF: From Source Get this repo and install the dependencies: go get -u cd...

IP-Biter : The Hacker-friendly E-Mail Tracking Framework


IP-Biter is an open source, easy to deploy, tracking framework that generate high configurable and unique tracking images and links to embed in e-mails, sites or chat systems and visualize, in an hacker-friendly dashboard, high detailed reports of the tracked users who visualize the image or open the links. IP-Biter Features Very high configurable tracking image generation Tracking links generation ...