Twitter-Intelligence : OSINT Project Performs Tracking & Analysis Of The Twitter
Twitter-Intelligence is a project written in Python to twitter tracking and analysis without using Twitter API. This project is a Python 3.x application. The package dependencies are in the file requirements.txt. Run that command to install the dependencies. pip3 install -r requirements.txt SQLite is used as the database. Tweet data are stored on the Tweet, User, Location, Hashtag, HashtagTweet tables. ...
TLS-Scanner : The TLS-Scanner Module from TLS-Attacker
TLS-Scanner is a tool created by the Chair for Network and Data Security from the Ruhr-University Bochum to assist pentesters and security researchers in the evaluation of TLS Server configurations. Note: It is a research tool intended for TLS developers, pentesters, administrators and researchers. There is no GUI. It is in the first version and may contain some bugs. Compiling TLS-Scanner In...
Bashark – Bash Pentesters & Security Researchers Post Exploitation Toolkit
Bashark aids pentesters and security researchers during the post-exploitation phase of security audits. To launch it on compromised host, simply source the script from terminal: $ source Then type help to see it's help menu. Bashark Features Single Bash script Lightweight and fast Multi-platform: Unix, OSX, Solaris etc. No external dependencies Immune to heuristic and behavioural analysis Built-in...
Winspy – Windows Reverse Shell Backdoor Creator With An Automatic IP Poisener
WinSpy a Windows reverse shell Backdoor creator with an Automatic IP Poisene. Dependencies metasploit-framework xterm apache2 Also ReadEvilginx2 – Standalone MITM Attack Framework Used For Phishing Login Credentials Along With Session Cookies, Allowing For The Bypass Of 2-factor Authentication Winspy Installation sudo apt-get install git git clone cd winspy chmod +x ./ chmod +x ./ Screenshot Disclaimer The author does not hold any responsibility for the bad use...
ct-exposer : An OSINT Tool That Discovers Sub-Domains By Searching Certificate Transparency Logs
ct-exposer will query the CT logs for a given domain, and then try to do DNS lookups for the domains to see which ones exist in DNS. In my experience, so far, I've found numerous sub-domains that were not located with '' google searches. Keep in mind that the domains that do not resolve, they can either be old domains,...
Munin – Online Hash Checker For Virustotal & Other Services
Munin is a online hash checker utility that retrieves valuable information from various online sources The current version of Munin queries the following services: Virustotal Malshare HybridAnalysis Note: Munin is based on the script "VT-Checker", which has been maintained in the LOKI repository. Also used plagiarism checker to check and ensure the unique content. Munin Usage usage: ...
Libssh-Scanner : Script to identify hosts vulnerable to CVE-2018-10933
Libssh-Scanner is a python based script to identify hosts vulnerable to CVE-2018-10933. Libssh scanner has two modes: passive (banner grabbing) and aggressive (bypass auth) to validate vulnerability's existence. By default, libssh scanner uses passive mode but supply the -a argument and aggressive mode will be used which provides more accurate results. Also ReadNameles – Open Source Entropy Based Invalid Traffic...
Metadata-Attacker : A Tool To Generate Media Files With Malicious Metadata
Metadata-Attacker is a open source pentesting tools you're able to create an image (.jpg), audio (.mp3) or video (.mp4) file containing your custom metadata or a set of cross-site scripting vectors to test any webservice against possible XSS vulnerabilities when displaying unfiltered meta data. Metadata-Attacker Installation / Usage First install docker on your host system. Now you can simply run...
Evilginx2 – Standalone MITM Attack Framework Used For Phishing Login Credentials Along With Session Cookies, Allowing For The Bypass Of 2-factor Authentication
Evilginx2 is a man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing login credentials along with session cookies, which in turn allows to bypass 2-factor authentication protection. This tool is a successor to Evilginx, released in 2017, which used a custom version of nginx HTTP server to provide man-in-the-middle functionality to act as a proxy between a browser and phished website. Present version...
Infog – Information Gathering Tool
InfoG is a Shellscript to perform Information Gathering. Infog Features Check Website info Check Phone info IP Tracker Check Valid E-mail Check if site is Up/Down Check internet speed Check Personal info Find IP behind Cloudflare Find Subdomains Port Scan (Multi-threaded) Check CMS Check DNS leaking Also ReadRemoteRecon – Remote Recon and Collection Usage git clone cd infog bash Install Requirements apt-get install -y curl...