ScrapedIn: Enhancing Red Team Operations with Advanced LinkedIn Data Scraping for Target Company Analysis


Tool to scrape LinkedIn This tool assists in performing reconnaissance using the website/API for red team or social engineering engagements. It performs a company specific search to extract a detailed list of employees who work for the target company. Enter the name of the target company and the tool will help determine the LinkedIn company ID, which will be...

DrawNmap: Revolutionizing Network Analysis with Python-Based Visualization of Nmap Scan Results


Herramienta desarrollada en Python para mostrar en un diagrama de red el contenido de un escaneo Nmap en formato XML. Los nodos representan cada uno de los activos escaneados en al red con sus puertos abiertos correspondientes. El filtrado de puertos permite mostrar en el gráfico únicamente los dispositivos que tienen habilitado ese puerto. Usage DESCARGA # git clone --recurse-submodules COMANDO # python3...

All-in-One Bug Hunting Setup: The Ultimate Debian Linux Script for Cybersecurity Enthusiasts


In the always-changing world of cybersecurity, it's important to be quick and careful. For Debian Linux users who are really into finding and studying security holes, the "All-in-One Bug Hunting Setup" is a revolutionary bash script. Setting up a full bug hunting environment is made easier by this innovative tool. This makes it easy for both experienced experts and...

Amnesiac: The Power of PowerShell in Active Directory Post-Exploitation


Amnesiac is a post-exploitation framework designed to assist with lateral movement within active directory environments. Amnesiac is being developed to bridge a gap on Windows OS, where post-exploitation frameworks are not readily available unless explicitly installed. In fact, it is entirely written in PowerShell, and can be loaded and executed in memory, just like any other PowerShell script. If you find Amnesiac...

Mantis: The Comprehensive Command-Line Framework for Asset Discovery and Security Scanning


Mantis is a command-line framework designed to automate the workflow of asset discovery, reconnaissance, and scanning. It takes the top-level domains as input, then seamlessly progresses to discovering corresponding assets, including subdomains and certificates. The tool performs reconnaissance on active assets and concludes with a comprehensive scan for vulnerabilities, secrets, misconfigurations and phishing domains - all powered by a...

llamafile: Streamlining Access to Large Language Models with Single-File Executables for Local Deployment


llamafile lets you distribute and run LLMs with a single file. (announcement blog post) Our goal is to make open source large language models much more accessible to both developers and end users. We're doing that by combining llama.cpp with Cosmopolitan Libc into one framework that collapses all the complexity of LLMs down to a single-file executable (called a "llamafile") that runs locally on...

Free Threat Intel/IOC Feeds: Maximizing Cybersecurity Efficacy with Open-Source Intelligence Integration


This repository contains Open Source freely usable Threat Intel feeds that can be used without additional requirements. The CSV ThreatIntelFeeds is stored in a structured manner based on the Vendor, Description, Category and URL. The vendors offering ThreatIntelFeeds are described below. The following feed categories are available: SSL IP DNS URL MD5 SHA1 SHA256 CVEID The content is served as is. When using the content in a business environment the...

Hayabusa: Revolutionizing Windows Event Log Analysis with Rapid Forensics and Advanced Threat Hunting Capabilities


Hayabusa is a Windows event log fast forensics timeline generator and threat hunting tool created by the Yamato Security group in Japan. Hayabusa means "peregrine falcon" in Japanese and was chosen as peregrine falcons are the fastest animal in the world, great at hunting and highly trainable. It is written in Rust and supports multi-threading in order to be as fast as possible. We have provided a tool to convert Sigma rules into...

EvilSlackbot: A Cutting-Edge Tool for Enhancing Slack Workspace Security through Red Team and Phishing Simulations


It's impossible to say enough about how important cybersecurity is in this digital age, where teamwork tools like Slack are essential for business communication. The fact that thousands of businesses use Slack for daily tasks makes the platform vulnerable to cyber dangers. With that, let's talk about EvilSlackbot, the cutting-edge hacking tool. EvilSlackbot is a powerful system for running...

IMDSPOOF: Enhancing Cloud Security with Deceptive AWS IMDS Endpoint Spoofing


IMDSPOOF is a cyber deception tool that spoofs an AWS IMDS service. One way that attackers are able to escalate privileges or move laterally in a cloud environment is by retrieving AWS Access keys from the IMDS service endpoint located at<user>. This tool spoofs that endpoint and redirects traffic sent to to a local webserver that serves fake data. This can be...