JEOrg Security Defense Test Drives – Elevating Email Protection And Fraud Detection
In the digital age, safeguarding our digital communication is paramount. "JEOrg Security Defense Test Drives" embarks on a mission to fortify email security and unveil deceptive practices, equipping users with the tools and knowledge to combat phishing and fraud. This article explores the innovative solutions and strategies at the heart of their defense mechanisms. Project Layout auto-phishing-reporter - Auto Phishing report to...
FaceBF – Understanding The Ethical And Security Implications Of Brute Force Tools
In the evolving landscape of digital security, tools like FaceBF have emerged, claiming capabilities that challenge our notions of privacy and access. FaceBF, purportedly a tool designed for hacking Facebook accounts via brute force methods, underscores a growing concern in cybersecurity: the ease of unauthorized access to personal information. This article delves into the ethical and security implications of...
Drone-Hacking-Tool : A Comprehensive Guide To Ethical Drone Security Testing
Drone Hacking Tool is a GUI tool that works with a USB Wifi adapter and HackRF One for hacking drones. Drones, as a high mobility item that can be carried around easily and launched, are becoming cheaper and more popular among the public, they can be seen almost anywhere nowadays. However, the drone built-in flying cameras could use for illegal usage...
CVE-2024-28183 OTA Anti-Rollback Bypass via TOCTOU In ESP-IDF
Discover the intricacies of CVE-2024-28183, a critical vulnerability in ESP-IDF's OTA update process that allows attackers to bypass anti-rollback protections through a TOCTOU exploit, posing significant security risks to devices using ESP32. 1. Overview Anti-rollback is a security mechanism implemented in the ESP32 as part of the over-the-air (OTA) update process. This feature prevents attackers from "downgrading" firmware to older and...
xzbot – A Strategic Approach To Counter CVE-2024-3094 Through Honeypots And ED448 Patches
We delve into the intricacies of xzbot, a tool designed to combat the CVE-2024-3094 vulnerability. By employing a combination of honeypots, custom ED448 patches, and detailed backdoor analysis, we provide a robust framework for detecting and mitigating exploit attempts. This guide outlines the steps to utilize xzbot effectively, ensuring your systems are safeguarded against potential breaches. Exploration of the xz backdoor (CVE-2024-3094)....
Hunt For LFI (Local File Inclusion) – Automating The Discovery Of Security Vulnerabilities
In the vast expanse of cybersecurity, the Hunt for LFI (Local File Inclusion) stands out as a pivotal tool for ethical hackers and security enthusiasts. This automated brute force attack tool is specially designed for exploiting local file inclusion vulnerabilities, primarily through GET requests. Tailored for both Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions and bug bounty hunting, it significantly reduces...
Burpsuite-Pro : Fast Track To Web Security Testing
Burp Suite Professional is a powerful cybersecurity tool used for web application security testing and analysis. It is developed by PortSwigger and is widely used by security professionals, ethical hackers, and penetration testers. Burp Suite Professional offers a range of features Video Helps Installing Burpsuite Pro Step 1:- Before Copy This Link chose your arch and Past in Browser Direct Downloade For 32...
Firefox Monitor Server – A Comprehensive Guide To Ensuring Digital Security Through Breach Alerts
Firefox Monitor notifies users when their credentials have been compromised in a data breach. This code is for the service & website. Breach data is powered by See the Have I Been Pwned about page for the "what" and "why" of data breach alerts. Development Requirements Volta (installs the correct version of Node and npm) Postgres | Note: On a Mac, we recommend downloading the instead. Code Style Linting and formatting is...
Leaked Credentials : Utilizing Developer Tools And Burp Suite For Enhanced Security
In an era where digital security breaches are increasingly common, safeguarding sensitive information has never been more critical. This article delves into the art of detecting leaked credentials, offering a comprehensive guide on how to use Google Chrome's Developer Tools and Burp Suite for effective security analysis. By employing regular expressions and meticulous inspection, this guide equips you with...
Awesome One-liner Bug Bounty : A Comprehensive Script Repository
This repository stores and houses various one-liner for bug bounty tips provided by me as well as contributed by the community. Your contributions and suggestions are heartily welcome. Definitions This section defines specific terms or placeholders that are used throughout one-line command/scripts. 1.1. "HOST" defines one hostname, (sub)domain, or IP address, e.g. replaced by, domain.tld, sub.domain.tld, or 1.2. "HOSTS.txt" contains criteria 1.1 with more than...