Vid2img-extract all frame from a given video


Introduction to Vid2img Tool: A script written in Python called the vid2img tool can extract every frame from a given video. Any device with Python installed can use this tool Installation vid2img tool (python 3) Kali-Linux sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y sudo apt install git python3 -y git clone cd Vid2img make install python3 vid2img -h Termux apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y pkg install...

404 Frame – Infiltrating websites is now easy


What is a 404 Frame? Most tools for hacking a website are found in the 404 Frame. In this way, no time is wasted! We wanted to give 404 Frame a unique terminal feel since most software does not have one. So what exactly are the commands? You can issue orders using everyday conversational language because we did not want...



Introduction A Kali-based container for recon and enumeration using JupyterLab hosted on Docker. Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. Uses include data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and much more. Example 1. Run 2. Import/Export Files 3. Split Files &...

Passwordless Authentication Should Become Mainstream by 2023

Passwordless Authentication

Since the days of Ancient Rome and Egypt, people have used passwords to authenticate and grant access. Nowadays, passwords are more common than ever. From Netflix to Amazon and all the other online platforms, the average person has 90 online accounts. To save time and make login credentials easier to remember, most people recycle passwords across accounts. That is,...

Email2PhoneNumber: Obtain Phone Number via Email Address


Introduction  An open-source intelligence (OSINT) tool called Email2PhoneNumber enables you to discover a target's phone number simply by knowing his email address. Basic usage information By exploiting the password reset email design flaws and publicly available data, this crude tool assists in automating finding someone's phone number. It supports 3 primary functions: “scrape” — scrapes websites for phone number digits by initiating password...



Introduction Introducing SOC Multitool a free and open-source browser extension that accelerates and optimizes research.  Now accessible through the Chrome Web Store and working with every browser powered by the Chromium OS, including Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Brave, and Opera. Download link-  Streamline your investigations The constant copying and pasting required during investigations is done away with by SOC Multi-Tool. To access the type...

KubeStalk : Discovers Kubernetes Attack Surface From A Black-Box Perspective


KubeStalk is a tool to discover Kubernetes and related infrastructure based attack surface from a black-box perspective. This tool is a community version of the tool used to probe for unsecured Kubernetes clusters around the internet during Project Resonance - Wave 9. Usage The GIF below demonstrates usage of the tool: Installation KubeStalk is written in Python and requires the requests library. To install...



Kali Metapackage CLI Use this script if you want access to Kali Metapackage on your current Linux distribution but do not want to install the entire Kali distribution. Debian is being used at the moment. A few problems exist with Ubuntu. Be careful when using this script. What is a meta package? Metapackages, which are created as a list of dependencies on...



What is LazyBox? For infosec professionals to quickly set up a good testing environment, a LazyBox has been developed. The majority of the required libraries, drivers, and tools are present in this box. Tools BruteList Arjun dirsearch gobuster JSParser knockpy Autocon the_s3_bucketers wpscan Massdns lazys3 Tidos-frame-work virtual-host-discovery lazy-recon LinkFinder Asn Lookup Photon Httprobe Unfurl Wayback Urls crtndstry XSS striker Installing Git git clone cd lazybox/ chmod +x ./ Licensing Lazybox is licensed under the GNU General Public License. Please consider following and supporting us to stay updated with the latest info



About Vichiti A cross-platform OSINT-focused tool called Vichiti was created using Node.js. It is capable of carrying out a variety of tasks, including: Gather information regarding an Instagram username Validate the existence of an email address Whois lookup Geo-location lookup Find your public IP address Scan for ports Expand shortened URLs Safety check of URLs MAC Address lookup Crypto wallet address's balance check Support Windows - Tested Linux - Tested Mac - Not tested Termux...