Project Apeman is an advanced tool for security professionals, designed to streamline the analysis of AWS environments using a graph-based approach.

This guide offers detailed instructions on setting up and deploying Project Apeman, including system requirements, installation steps, and data ingestion. Get ready to enhance your security posture with this powerful and efficient tool.

System Requirements

  • Tested On
    • Windows 11
    • Ubuntu 22
  • 12 GB RAM (This can be reduced in the compose.yaml depending on AWS env size)


  • Docker
  • Docker compose
  • Python 3
sudo apt install python
  • Python Virtual Environment
sudo apt install python3-venv

Running Apeman

Starting The Service

git clone
cd apeman
sudo docker compose -f compose.yaml up --build

Creating A Venv

A python virtual environment is recommended to ingest the data

cd utils
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Initializing The AWS Schema

The first time that you start apeman, the AWS nodes and relationships need to be added to the graph. This includes all services, actions, resource types, and condition keys.

THIS ONLY NEEDS TO BE RUN ONCE! If AWS updates a service or adds an action, then you will need to re-run this command to honor the new changes. To do this, run the following command:

// From apeman/utils
python -m init.aws_initialize -o ../import

For more information click here.


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