Sharp post-exploitation toolkit providing modular access to the Microsoft Graph API ( for cloud and red team operations.

Created during the new Advanced Azure Cloud Attacks Lab. Inspired by GraphRunner and TokenTactics.


  • Updates
  • Build
  • Usage
    • Flags
    • Methods
      • Auth Methods
      • Post-Auth Methods
  • Demo
    • Get-GraphTokens
    • Invoke-RefreshToAzureManagementToken
    • Invoke-RefreshToMSGraphToken
    • Invoke-RefreshToVaultToken
    • Invoke-CertToAccessToken
    • Get-TokenScope
    • New-SignedJWT
  • Observations
    • Common HTTP Error Codes


Compiled executable in bin/Release is ready to go.

If loading and building for the first time select the ‘Restore’ button in VS (may need to add and use as a package source then update any packages via References > Manage NuGet Packages... > Updates)

The following packages are required:

  • Newtonsoft.Json
  • Costura.Fody


SharpGraphView by @mlcsec


    SharpGraphView.exe [Method] [-Domain <domain>] [-Tenant <tenant id>] [-Id <object id>] [-Select <display property>] [-Query <api endpoint>] [-Search <string> -Entity <entity>] [-Token <access token>] [-Cert <pfx cert>]


    -Token                                   - Microsoft Graph access token or refresh token for FOCI abuse
    -Cert                                    - X509Certificate path
    -Domain                                  - Target domain
    -Tenant                                  - Target tenant ID
    -Id                                      - ID of target object
    -Key                                     - Azure Key Vault name (New-SignedJWT)
    -Select                                  - Filter output for comma seperated properties
    -Query                                   - Raw API query (GET request only)
    -Search                                  - Search string
    -Entity                                  - Search entity [driveItem (OneDrive), message (Mail), chatMessage (Teams), site (SharePoint), event (Calenders)]
    -help                                    - Show help


    Get-GraphTokens                          - Obtain graph token via device code phish (saved to graph_tokens.txt)
    Get-TenantID                             - Get tenant ID for target domain
    Get-TokenScope                           - Get scope of supplied token
    Invoke-RefreshToMSGraphToken             - Convert refresh token to Micrsoft Graph token (saved to new_graph_tokens.txt)
    Invoke-RefreshToAzureManagementToken     - Convert refresh token to Azure Management token (saved to az_tokens.txt)
    Invoke-RefreshToVaultToken               - Convert refresh token to Azure Vault token (saved to vault_tokens.txt)
    Invoke-CertToAccessToken                 - Convert Azure Application certificate to JWT access token (saved to cert_tokens.txt)
    New-SignedJWT                            - Construct JWT and sign using Key Vault certificate (Azure Key Vault access token required) then generate Azure Management (ARM) token


    Get-CurrentUser                          - Get current user profile
    Get-CurrentUserActivity                  - Get recent actvity and actions of current user

    Get-OrgInfo                              - Get information relating to the target organisation
    Get-Domains                              - Get domain objects
    Get-User                                 - Get all users (default) or target user (-id)
    Get-UserProperties                       - Get current user properties (default) or target user (-id)
    Get-UserGroupMembership                  - Get group memberships for current user (default) or target user (-id)
    Get-UserTransitiveGroupMembership        - Get transitive group memberships for current user (default) or target user (-id)
    Get-Group                                - Get all groups (default) or target group (-id)
    Get-GroupMember                          - Get all members of target group
    Get-AppRoleAssignments                   - Get application role assignments for current user (default) or target user (-id)
    Get-ConditionalAccessPolicy              - Get conditional access policy properties
    Get-PersonalContacts                     - Get contacts of the current user
    Get-CrossTenantAccessPolicy              - Get cross tentant access policy properties
    Get-PartnerCrossTenantAccessPolicy       - Get partner cross tenant access policy
    Get-UserChatMessages                     - Get ALL messages from all chats for target user (Chat.Read.All)
    Get-AdministrativeUnitMember             - Get members of administrative unit
    Get-OneDriveFiles                        - Get all accessible OneDrive files for current user (default) or target user (-id)
    Get-UserPermissionGrants                 - Get permissions grants of current user (default) or target user (-id)
    Get-oauth2PermissionGrants               - Get oauth2 permission grants for current user (default) or target user (-id)
    Get-Messages                             - Get all messages in signed-in user's mailbox (default) or target user (-id)
    Get-TemporaryAccessPassword              - Get TAP details for current user (default) or target user (-id)
    Get-Password                             - Get passwords registered to current user (default) or target user (-id)

    List-AuthMethods                         - List authentication methods for current user (default) or target user (-id)
    List-DirectoryRoles                      - List all directory roles activated in the tenant
    List-Notebooks                           - List current user notebooks (default) or target user (-id)
    List-ConditionalAccessPolicies           - List conditional access policy objects
    List-ConditionalAuthenticationContexts   - List conditional access authentication context
    List-ConditionalNamedLocations           - List conditional access named locations
    List-SharePointRoot                      - List root SharePoint site properties
    List-SharePointSites                     - List any available SharePoint sites
    List-ExternalConnections                 - List external connections
    List-Applications                        - List all Azure Applications
    List-ServicePrincipals                   - List all service principals
    List-Tenants                             - List tenants
    List-JoinedTeams                         - List joined teams for current user (default) or target user (-id)
    List-Chats                               - List chats for current user (default) or target user (-id)
    List-ChatMessages                        - List messages in target chat (-id)
    List-Devices                             - List devices
    List-AdministrativeUnits                 - List administrative units
    List-OneDrives                           - List current user OneDrive (default) or target user (-id)
    List-RecentOneDriveFiles                 - List current user recent OneDrive files
    List-SharedOneDriveFiles                 - List OneDrive files shared with the current user

    Invoke-Search                            - Search for string within entity type (driveItem, message, chatMessage, site, event)
    Find-PrivilegedRoleUsers                 - Find users with privileged roles assigned
    Invoke-CustomQuery                       - Custom GET query to target Graph API endpoint
    Update-UserPassword                      - Update the passwordProfile of the target user (NewUserS3cret@Pass!)
    Add-ApplicationPassword                  - Add client secret to target application
    Add-UserTAP                              - Add new Temporary Access Password (TAP) to target user


    SharpGraphView.exe Get-GraphTokens
    SharpGraphView.exe Invoke-RefreshToAzureManagementToken -tenant <tenant id> -token <refresh token>
    SharpGraphView.exe Get-User -id -token .\token.txt -select displayname,id
    SharpGraphView.exe Get-UserGroupMembership -token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLC...
    SharpGraphView.exe List-RecentOneDriveFiles -token .\token.txt
    SharpGraphView.exe Invoke-Search -search "password" -entity driveItem -token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLC...
    SharpGraphView.exe Invoke-CustomQuery -Query "{siteId}/drives" -token .\token.txt

For more information click here.


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