
APK-MITM : Android APK Files for HTTPS Inspection

APK-MITM is a CLI application that automatically prepares Android APK files for HTTPS inspection. Inspecting a mobile app's HTTPS traffic…

4 years ago

ATFuzzer : Dynamic Analysis of AT Interface For Android Smartphones

Opening Pandora's Box through ATFuzzer: Dynamic Analysis of AT Interface for Android Smartphones" is accepted to the 35th Annual Computer…

4 years ago

FSMon : Monitor Filesystem On iOS / OS X / Android / FirefoxOS / Linux

FSMon or FileSystem Monitor utility that runs on Linux, Android, iOS and OSX. Brought to you by Sergi Àlvarez at…

5 years ago

EVABS : An Open Source Android Application That Is Intentionally Vulnerable

EVABS is an open source Android application that is intentionally vulnerable so as to act as a learning platform for…

5 years ago

Hacktronian : All in One Hacking Tool for Linux & Android

Hacktronian is an all in one Hacking tool for Linux & Android and pentesing tools that all Hacker needs. Menu…

5 years ago

Truegaze : Static Analysis Tool For Android/iOS Applications Focusing On Security Issues Outside The Source Code

Truegaze is a static analysis tool for Android and iOS applications focusing on security issues outside the source code such…

5 years ago

Simplify : Generic Android Deobfuscator

Simplify virtually executes an app to understand its behaviour and then tries to optimise the code so that it behaves…

5 years ago

Yaazhini – Free Android APK & API Vulnerability Scanner

Yaazhini is a free vulnerability scanner for android APK and API. It is a user-friendly tool that you can easily…

5 years ago

PhoneSploit : Using Open ADB Ports We Can Exploit A Android Device

PhoneSploit is using open Adb ports we can exploit a Android Device. You can find open ports by clicking here.…

5 years ago

Droidefense : Advance Android Malware Analysis Framework

Droidefense is the codename for android apps/malware analysis/reversing tool. It was built focused on security issues and tricks that malware…

5 years ago