
Androguard : Reverse Engineering, Malware & Goodware Analysis of Android Applications

Androguard is a eeverse engineering, malware and goodware analysis of Android applications. It is a full python tool to play…

5 years ago

Androwarn : Static Code Analyzer for Malicious Android Applications

Androwarn is a tool whose main aim is to detect and warn the user about potential malicious behaviours developped by…

5 years ago

UserLAnd : Run a Linux Distribution or Application on Android

The assets that UserLAnd depends on and the scripts that build them are contained in other repositories. The common assets…

5 years ago

Dex2jar – Tools To Work With Android .dex & Java .class Files

Dex2jar is a tool to work with android .dex and java .class files. dex-reader/writer: Read/write the Dalvik Executable (.dex) file.…

6 years ago

Drozer v2.4.4 – The Leading Security Assessment Framework For Android

Drozer 2.4.4  is the leading security testing framework for Android. Drozer allows you to search for security vulnerabilities in apps…

6 years ago

Droidefense – Advance Android Malware Analysis Framework

Droidefense (originally named atom: analysis through observation machine)* is the codename for android apps/malware analysis/reversing tool. It was built focused…

6 years ago

Scrounger – Mobile Application Testing Toolkit

Scrounger is a mobile application toolkit. The word Scrounger means a person who borrows from or lives off others. There…

6 years ago

Reverse APK – Quickly Analyze & Reverse Engineer Android Packages

Using Reverse APK you will have the option to quickly analyze and reverse engineer Android applications. FEATURES Of Reverse APK…

6 years ago

XAttacker – Website Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter Tool

XAttacker is a is a perl website tool to vulnerability scanner & auto exploiter, which you can use to find…

6 years ago

Whatsapp_Automation : Collection Of APIs Interact With WhatsApp Running In An Android Emulator

Whatsapp_Automation is a collection of APIs that interact with WhatsApp messenger running in an Android emulator, allowing developers to build…

6 years ago