WPintel – Chrome Extension Designed For WordPress Vulnerability Scanning & Information Gathering

WPintel is a chrome extension designed for WordPress Vulnerability Scanning and information gathering. It allows you to scan self hosted WordPress sites and with this you can detect the following: Also Read:SQLiScanner – Automatic SQL Injection With Charles & SQLmap API • Version• Version vulnerabilities• Plugins• Themes• Usersand much more! Click here to download the …

CSS Keylogger – Chrome Extension And Express Server That Exploits Keylogging Abilities Of CSS

CSS Keylogger is a Chrome extension and Express server that exploits keylogging abilities of CSS. Using a simple script one can create a css file that will send a custom request for every ASCII character. Setup Chrome extension Download repository git clone https://github.com/maxchehab/CSS-Keylogging Visit chrome://extensions in your browser (or open up the Chrome menu by …