Pycrypt : Python Based Crypter That Can Bypass Any Antivirus Products

Pycrypt is a python-based Crypter that can bypass any antivirus product. Antivirus software are protecting computers from malicious software including keyloggers, browser hijackers, Trojan horses, worms, rootkits, spyware, adware, botnets, and ransomware. Pycrypt Features Note: How To Use? Download Python3 *:- For Windows: Download here. *:- For Linux: sudo apt-get install python3sudo apt-get install python3-pip …

Hidden Cry – Windows Crypter/Decrypter Generator With AES 256 Bits Key

Hidden Cry is a Windows Crypter/Decrypter Generator With AES 256 Bits Key. Features Works on WAN: Port Forwarding by Fully Undetectable (FUD) -> Don’t Upload to! Usage git clone hidden-cryapt-get update & apt-get install mingw-w64 -ychmod +x hidden-cry./hidden-cry Also Read – CatchYou : FUD Win32 Msfvenom Payload Generator Disclaimer Usage of Hidden-Cry …