Scemu : X86 32bits Emulator, For Securely Emulating Shellcodes

Scemu is a x86 32bits emulator, for securely emulating shellcodes Features  rust safety, good for malware. All dependencies are in rust. zero unsafe{} blocks.  very fast emulation (much faster than unicorn) 3,000,000 instructions/second 100,000 instructions/second printing every instruction -vv. powered by iced-x86 rust disassembler awesome library. iteration detector. memory and register tracking. colorized. stop at …

Whatsapp_Automation : Collection Of APIs Interact With WhatsApp Running In An Android Emulator

Whatsapp_Automation is a collection of APIs that interact with WhatsApp messenger running in an Android emulator, allowing developers to build projects that automate sending and receiving messages, adding new contacts and broadcasting messages multiple contacts. The project uses Selinium, Appium, Python and Android Virtual Device Emulator. Whatsapp_Automation Requirements java Android Studio & Android Emulator setup …