Dockernymous : A Script Used To Create A Whonix Like Gateway/Workstation Environment With Docker Containers

Dockernymous is a script used to create a whonix like gateway/workstation environment with docker containers. It is a start script for Docker that runs and configures two individual Linux containers in order act as a anonymisation workstation-gateway set up. It’s aimed towards experienced Linux/Docker users, security professionals and penetration testers! The gateway container acts as …

TOR Router : A Tool That Allow You To Make TOR Your Default Gateway

Tor Router allow you to use TOR as a transparent proxy and send all your traffic under TOR INCLUDING DNS REQUESTS, the only that you need is: a system using systemd (if you want to use the service) and tor. It doesn’t touch system files as the rest of tools for routing your traffic does and …

Nipe- Script To Make Tor Network Your Default Gateway

Nipe is a script to make Tor Network your default gateway. Nipe is a script for Linux that adjusts iptables to course all activity over Tor. The issue is that Tor just backings TCP and not UDP. So the majority of your UDP applications like “dns queries” are going to fail. The script likewise has …