Psudohash : Password List Generator That Focuses On Keywords Mutated By Commonly Used Password Creation Patterns

psudohash is a password list generator for orchestrating brute force attacks. It imitates certain password creation patterns commonly used by humans, like substituting a word’s letters with symbols or numbers, using char-case variations, adding a common padding before or after the word and more. It is keyword-based and highly customizable. Pentesting Corporate Environments System administrators …

Lnkbomb : Malicious Shortcut Generator For Collecting NTLM Hashes From Insecure File Shares

Lnkbomb is used for uploading malicious shortcut files to insecure file shares. The vulnerability exists due to Windows looking for an icon file to associate with the shortcut file. This icon file can be directed to a penetration tester’s machine running Responder or smb server to gather NTLMv1 or NTLMv2 hashes (depending on configuration of …

Cracken : A Fast Password Wordlist Generator, Smartlist Creation And Password Hybrid-Mask Analysis Tool

Cracken is a fast password wordlist generator, Smartlist creation and password hybrid-mask analysis tool written in pure safe Rust (more on talk/). Inspired by great tools like maskprocessor, hashcat, Crunch and  HuggingFace’s tokenizers. What? Why? Woot?? At DeepSec2021 we presented a new method for analysing passwords as Hybrid-Masks exploiting common substrings in passwords by utilizing NLP tokenizers (more info on talk/). Our method splits a …

Huan : Encrypted PE Loader Generator

Huan is an encrypted PE Loader Generator that I developed for learning PE file structure and PE loading processes. It encrypts the PE file to be run with different keys each time and embeds it in a new section of the loader binary. Currently, it works on 64 bit PE files. How It Works? First, …