Cuteit – IP Obfuscator Made to Make a Malicious IP a Bit Cuter

Cuteit IP obfuscator made to make a malicious ip a bit cuter. A simple python tool to help you to social engineer, bypass whitelisting firewalls, potentially break regex rules for command line logging looking for IP addresses and obfuscate cleartext strings to C2 locations within the payload. All of that is simply done with obfuscating …

IP Obfuscator – Simple Tool to Social Engineer and Bypass Firewall

IP Obfuscator is a simple python script which converts an IP address into different obfuscated forms like integer, hexadecimal or into an octal form. What is Obfuscation? Obfuscation is a technique used by attackers to mask the malicious scripts between the legitimate source to bypass the detection engines, which makes it harder to analyze. An …