Popeye – A Kubernetes Cluster Sanitizer And Reports Potential Issues

Popeye is a utility that scans live Kubernetes cluster and reports potential issues with deployed resources and configurations. It sanitizes your cluster based on what’s deployed and not what’s sitting on disk. By scanning your cluster, it detects misconfigurations and helps you to ensure that best practices are in place, thus preventing future headaches. It …

Mesh-Kridik : An Open-Source Security Checker That Performs Security Checks On A Kubernetes Cluster

Mesh-Kridik is an open-source security checker that performs various security checks on a Kubernetes cluster with istio service mesh and outputs a security report The security checks tests are the full implementation of istio security best practices The security checks performed on a Kubernetes cluster with istio service mesh and is leveraged by OPA (Open Policy …

Kubernetes-Goat : Is A “Vulnerable By Design” Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes-Goat is designed to be an intentionally vulnerable cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security. Setting Up Kubernetes Goat Before we set up the Kubernetes Goat, ensure that you have created and have admin access to the Kubernetes cluster kubectl version –short Set up the helm version 2 in your path as helm2. Refer to …

Kube-Applier : Enables Automated Deployment And Declarative Configuration For Your Kubernetes Cluster

Kube-Applier is a service that enables continuous deployment of Kubernetes objects by applying declarative configuration files from a Git repository to a Kubernetes cluster. kube-applier runs as a Pod in your cluster and watches the Git repo to ensure that the cluster objects are up-to-date with their associated spec files (JSON or YAML) in the repo. At …

Botkube : An App That Helps You Monitor Your Kubernetes Cluster, Debug Critical Deployments And Gives Recommendations For Standard Practices

BotKube integration with Slack, Mattermost or Microsoft Teams helps you monitor your Kubernetes cluster, debug critical deployments and gives recommendations for standard practices by running checks on the Kubernetes resources. You can also ask BotKube to execute kubectl commands on k8s cluster which helps debugging an application or cluster. Hacktoberfest 2020 BotKube is participating in Hacktoberfest 2020. We are giving …