Pwned : Simple CLI Script To Check If You Have A Password

Pwned is a simple command-line python script to check if you have a password that has been compromised in a data breach. This script uses haveibeenpwned API to check whether your passwords were leaked during one of the many breaches of online services. This API uses k-Anonymity model that allows a password to be searched …

Pwned – A Command-Line Tool For Querying The ‘Have I been Pwned?’ Service

A command-line tool for querying Troy Hunt’s Have I been pwned ? service using the hibp Node.js module. Pwned Installation Download and install Node.js, then install pwned globally using npm: npm install pwned -g Alternatively, you can run it on-demand using the npx package runner: npx pwned How To Ue ? pwned <command> Commands: pwned …