Voltron : A Hacky Debugger UI For Hackers

Voltron is an extensible debugger UI toolkit written in Python. It aims to improve the user experience of various debuggers (LLDB, GDB, VDB and WinDbg) by enabling the attachment of utility views that can retrieve and display data from the debugger host. By running these views in other TTYs, you can build a customized debugger …

Paragon : Red Team Engagement Platform With The Goal Of Unifying Offensive

Paragon is a Red Team engagement platform. It aims to unify offensive tools behind a simple UI, abstracting much of the backend work to enable operators to focus on writing implants and spend less time worrying about databases and css. The repository also provides some offensive tools already integrated with Paragon that can be used …

Nessus Map : Parse Nessus File(s) & Shows Output In Interactive UI

Nessus Map parse .nessus file(s) and shows output in interactive User Interface. It just works by creating XML directory in Nessus_Map home directory and place all .nessus files under XML directory and start server. Nessus Map Requirements Python3 Django Tested On Ubuntu 18.04 What it does? Vulnerability based parsing Service based parsing Host bases parsing …

SwiftMonkey : A Framework For Doing Randomised UI Testing Of iOS Apps

SwiftMonkey project is a framework for generating randomised user input in iOS apps. This kind of monkey testing is useful for stress-testing apps and finding rare crashes. It also contains a related framework called SwiftMonkeyPaws, which provides visualisation of the generated events. This greatly increases the usefulness of your randomised testing, as you can see …