URLextractor is a tool for Information Gathering & Website Reconnaissance. Following are some of the features of this tool;
Also Read – Quarantyne · Modern Web Firewall
./extractor http://www.hackthissite.org/
pip install colorex
and use it like ./extractor http://www.hackthissite.org/ | colorex -g "INFO" -r "ALERT"
pip install tldextract
Changelog to version 0.2.0:
Tested on Kali light mini AND OSX 10.11.3 with brew
sudo apt-get install bc curl dnsutils libxml2-utils whois md5sha1sum lynx openssl -y
Configuration file:
CURL_TIMEOUT=15 #timeout in –connect-timeout
CURL_UA=Mozilla #user-agent (keep it simple)
INTERNAL=NO #YES OR NO (show internal network info)
URLVOID_KEY=your_API_key #using API from http://www.urlvoid.com/
FUZZ_LIMIT=10 #how many lines it will read from fuzz file
OPEN_TARGET_URLS=NO #open found URLs at the end of script
OPEN_EXTERNAL_LINKS=NO #open external links (frames) at the end of script
FIRST_TIME=YES #if first time check for dependecies
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