Dive into the latest advancements with the release of v2.4.11, which brings significant enhancements and new features to the forefront.

This update introduces robust GraphQL support, multi-factor authentication, and innovative versioning for notes.

Explore the contributions from the community and key fixes that enhance functionality and security in this detailed release summary.

What’s Changed

  • Add GraphQL support on some endpoints
  • Add MFA support
  • Add Notes versioning
  • Automatically create data directories by @Matthijsy in #432
  • Graphql iocs by @c8y3 in #453
  • Graphql cases by @Elise17 in #461
  • Update case.notes.js to allow auto image upload from copy and paste by @LoneWolf-96 in #465
  • Add pool_pre_ping option by @smgrol in #468
  • Add graphql queries and mutations of cases by @Elise17 in #479
  • Graphql filters query ioc by @Elise17 in #483
  • Add custom X-IRIS-AUTH header by @Matthijsy in #506
  • GitHub workflows for image build and helm chart release by @tylerobara in #420
  • CICD to push to gchr in #511
  • CI/CD: GraphQL documentation spectaql by @Elise17 in #513


  • Datastore files upload issue
  • Case status error
  • Fix Lookup of custom API Key header
  • Datastore files upload issue


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