In the latest iteration of our cutting-edge software, v3.2.0 emerges as a significant leap forward, embodying the relentless pursuit of excellence in cybersecurity.

This release introduces an array of new features including advanced fuzzing support, authenticated scanning capabilities, and comprehensive protocol enhancements, marking a milestone in the tool’s evolution.

Bolstered by critical bug fixes and performance optimizations, v3.2.0 sets a new standard for security professionals seeking unparalleled efficiency and effectiveness in their security assessments.

What’s Changed

New Features

Bug Fixes

Other Changes

  • Added more granular, issue tracker level filtering by @leonjza in #4780
  • Added callback support to StandardWriter by @dogancanbakir in #4839
  • switched dependency for kerberos js module (ropnop/gorkb5 -> jcmturner/gokrb5) by @5amu in #4647
  • use system resolver first with system-resolvers by @Mzack9999 in #4740
  • javascript bindings + docs generation enhancements by @tarunKoyalwar in #4487